Status Report

USA SAFER Panel Meeting Minutes August 24, 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
August 24, 2000
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Meeting Minutes

August 24, 2000

The SAFER Panel met at JSC on August 24, 2000 in Building 1 room 360 at 10:00 a.m.

Meeting participants:

Panel Chair XA/ Anh Huynh

Panel Secretary HSMS/ Theresa Elms

Panel Members CB/ Claude Nicollier

ER/ Charlie Price

EP/ Frank Davies

NC/ Ron Cook, Chris Estrada

NT/ Richard Bussey

NX/ Tom Taylor

USA/ Leonel Cruz

The following items were discussed:

1. Flight Readiness

  • STS—106 (2A.2b) Manifest Support

The only action remaining for STS-106 is for ER to provide a formal memo to DX/Mary Fitts by 09/01/00 presenting the status for each of the three SAFER units.

  • STS—92 (3A) Manifest Support

NC/Ron Cook requested the following to begin compiling the —309 GCAR certification package (estimated to be completed by 09/18/00).

    • -309 SAFER certification data pack

    • -307 and -309 verification matrices

    • Materials memo for the —309 certification

    • A CR that rolls the SAFER configuration number from —307 to-309

  • STS—97 (4A) Manifest Support

ER/Kevin Lewis and USA/Armon Knight will develop a fit check plan for STS-97(4A).

2. FIAR/DR Closure Status

  • JSC-ER0027, Thruster Firing Failure at 150 deg. F (Open 143 days)

JSC-ER0027 will be closed after the thermal enhancements are completed on all the SAFER units and after the cause for the overheating condition is resolved.

3. Configuration Control

  • Hardware/Software Configurations

XA requested that HSMS/T. Elms prepare a configuration matrix for STS-106, STS-92 and STS-97. The matrix will show which configuration of SAFER, SAFER IVA Battery, Power Switch Guard, Inhibit Plug and Tools, and Inhibit Plug Pull Force Indicator are flown on each flight, and document what the differences are between each of the configurations.

  • CR Implementation

    • CR H-0670 R1, AAH LED Function Modification

No change.

    • CR H-0683, On-Orbit Stowage Bag

The On-orbit Stowage Bag certification is still in work.

    • CR H-0749, SAFER On-Orbit Trainer

Detailed cost and schedule were provided. SAFER PRD update to be completed.

    • CR H-0752 R1 Inhibit Plug Installation Verification

CR needs to be revised to show the new concept, delivery dates, and weight impact.

    • CR H-0753 R1 Power Switch Guard Modification

The new power switch guard design concepts are waiting for review by ER/Walt Guy.

    • CR H-0760 SAFER NBL & 1-G Hi-Fi Mockup Upgrades

XA requested an upgrade status from HSMS by 08/25/00.

    • CR H-0788, -305 SAFER Battery Design, Fabrication & Implementation

Tom Taylor of SR&QA EEE Parts expressed concern about the results of the radiation testing performed on the X-38 battery board, noting that there were five instances of total current transients during the test. The board vendor indicated that the op amp may been the cause of the current transients. He recommends a current limiting resistor for the next generation of batteries. Additional discussion will be held with the test conductor after a copy of the radiation test report is made available for review.

Tom was also concerned about the EEE components being different (not a Motorola part as expected) from the drawing requirements. The concern will be discussed in more detail after the EEE components are confirmed to be incorrect.

Proposed CR’s

    • CR H-0749 R1, SAFER On-Orbit Trainer

On hold until funds become available in the next fiscal year.

    • CR H-0806,-307 Rechargeable Battery CR

On hold pending funding from XA in the next fiscal year.

    • CR H-0843, Latch Redesign

On hold until hi-fi mockup latches can be replaced with flight-like latches.

    • Extension of HCM Deployment Actuator and the Manual Isolation Valve Actuator

CR draft in work.

    • IMS Labeling

CR draft in work.

    • On-Orbit Stowage Bag Docking Loads

CR draft in work.

  1. Issues


5. Special Topics

  1. None.

  1. EHB Presentation


  1. CCB Presentation


  1. PRCB presentation

  2. None.

  3. Action Items

  • ER/Kevin Lewis and USA/Armon Knight need to develop a fit check plan for STS-97 (4A).

  • HSMS/T. Elms to prepare a configuration matrix for STS-106, STS-92 and STS-97 and document what the differences are between each of the configurations.

Submitted by: Approved by:

(Original signed by) (Original signed by)

Theresa M. Elms Anh H. Huynh

SAFER Panel Secretary USA SAFER Panel









C. Price










J. Smith

Evaluate the MPLM environment for launch/landing of the USA SAFER.

06/25/99: Assigned.

07/29/99: In review by ER. ER as needed will request additional information.

08/05/99: ER needs information on directional G-loads during launch, landing, and emergency landing.

08/06/99: Additional MPLM information was provided by OM/E. Smistad.

08/11/99: ER will provide a cost and schedule estimate for the additional stress analysis.

08/26/99: ER estimated a cost of 32K and a schedule for 2 months. The task will be initiated by XA on 10/01/99 with FY00 funding.

10/28/99: Partial funding has been sent to ER on 10/21/99 & 10/29/99. ER to complete the evaluation with an ECD of 01/03/00.

12/02/99: ER will provide a new ECD due to time needed to turn the effort on through a task order.

01/06/00: ER provided a new ECD of 03/15/00.

03/30/00: ER has requested a new ECD from LM. New ECD of TBD.

04/06/00: The stress analysis is complete. The memo will be out soon, ECD 04/13/00.

04/20/00: ECD TBD.

05/04/00: The stress analysis is in the LM signature loop.

05/11/00: LM/James Shu presented the results of the MPLM stress analysis to the Panel. James Shu will provide ER with a memo summarizing the results. ER will forward the memo to XA. XA will discuss the angular acceleration topic with the MPLM group and ER will discuss with ES.

05/12/00: ES confirmed the need to include the angular acceleration in the analysis.

05/16/00: Awaiting MPLM contact person to be provided by XA I&O lead for 5A.1.

05/18/00: ER provided the analysis performed by LM.

05/25/00: ER is waiting for a response from the MPLM stress analyst. New ECD: TBD.

06/15/00: ER will meet with the MPLM contact person on 06/15/00.

06/22/00: The MPLM stress analysis is presently in review with the MPLM stress analyst.

07/13/00: The MPLM stress analyst (Satya Pilla) has provided additional MPLM launch/landing environment information. James Shu is reviewing the environment information.

07/20/00: The MPLM stress analyst has indicated that the SAFER can be launched in the MPLM. XA is waiting on the official confirmation from the MPLM group.

08/24/00: XA discussed the action with MPLM representative. New ECD 09/07/00.


K. Lewis

Provide a video recording of 1) NSI/Pyro Valve firing, 2) dry valve seating, 3) wet valve seating, 4) dry valve self-test, and 5) wet valve self-test.

06/25/99: Assigned as action 02-03 at the STS-96 USA SAFER IFA Investigation meeting.

07/09/99: Transfer action to USA SAFER Panel.

08/05/99: Recording completed except for NSI/Pyro Valve firing. ECD of TBD, pending available opportunity.


K. Lewis








A. Huynh

ER will initiate a stress analysis to determine how far the HCM deployment actuator and manual valve can be extended.

02/17/00: Assigned. ECD TBD.

02/24/00: EV/James Shu stated that the SAFER actuator supporting bracket needs to be changed if the actuator is extended.

05/04/00: The stress analysis is on hold while the small and x-large EMU managers perform SAFER reach evaluations with suited subjects to determine how far to extend the actuators. ECD: 05/19/00.

05/25/00: XA will initiate a CR for 2" extension to the actuators.


P. McCartney

K. Vassigh

Provide a video of the on-orbit trainer evaluation (SSC) as shown at the VRL and more technical information on the data rate specifications.

04/20/00: Assigned. ECD TBD.

06/15/00: DX will record on-orbit trainer evaluation (SSC) on video. ECD TBD.


K. Lewis

T. Elms







A. Huynh

ER will evaluate SAFER launch/ landing loads in the SpaceHab. HSMS will locate SpaceHab Load Requirements.

05/04/00: Assigned. ECD 05/20/00.

05/25/00: XA provided launch/ landing load requirements to ER. Waiting for ER discussion with contact person from SpaceHab. ECD of 06/01/00.

06/15/00: ER/Kevin Lewis requested James Shu contact the LESC stress analyst to determine if the IDD document prepared by LESC includes angular accelerations for the SpaceHab loads. XA will investigate if different loads apply to the SpaceHab rack. New ECD TBD.

06/29/00: SpaceHab determined that SAFER will not be stowed in the rack, only on the floor. ER is expected to complete the loads analysis by 07/25/00.

08/10/00: Report is completed and is ready for distribution, ECD 08/17/00.

08/17/00: ER has received a copy of the loads analysis report. ER will send a copy of the executive summary page to XA. New ECD: 8/24/00.


K. Lewis

ER will determine the cost to build one more flight SAFER.

05/18/00: Assigned. ECD 06/16/00.

06/22/00: New ECD: TBD.

06/29/00: XA requests that ER look into getting a contractor to build another flight SAFER.

07/13/00: New ECD: 9/30/00.


K. Lewis


T. Elms

ER will investigate the problem with the weight relief lifting sling and the SAFER latches.

05/18/00: Assigned. ECD 06/01/00.

05/25/00: HSMS will verify that a comprehensive procedure is used to operate the weight relief lifting sling in order to prevent any damages to the SAFER latches.

06/15/00: New ECD 07/06/00.

07/06/00: HSMS determined that a comprehensive procedure to operate the weight relief lifting sling did not exist and that one needed to be written and released as a SSA Class III operational procedure. ECD 08/18/00.

07/13/00: HSMS has written a procedure detailing how to attach the SAFER to the EMU when using a weight relief lifting sling. The procedure is presently in review with Steve Anderson of the SSI group.

07/20/00: HSMS/T. Elms received comments to incorporate from ILC/Steve Anderson. Next the procedure needs to be reviewed by ER.

07/27/00: HSMS is searching for a picture showing the EMU/SAFER in the weight relief-lifting sling.

08/10/00: HSMS sent the procedure to ER/Kevin Lewis for review on 08/07/00.

08/17/00: HSMS will rewrite the procedure "real-time" as Gail Steel performs the steps on the engineering unit. New ECD: 8/31/00.


K. Lewis

ER will provide DX with a video tape of the following operations for training:

  • Power switch guard installation & removal

  • Hand controller stowage

  • SAFER Checkout

  • SAFER Latch Operation (don/doff SAFER to PLSS; l use a USA/FCE

class III PLSS & SAFER engineering unit)

  • Inhibit Plug installation and removal

  • SAFER Battery Changeout

SAFER Transfer/Stow ops (both the launch/entry and on-orbit stowage bags from USA/FCE)

06/15/00: Assigned. ECD TBD.

07/13/00: DX and ER will develop a mutually agreed schedule to complete the activities.


K. Lewis &

A. Knight

ER/Kevin Lewis and USA/Armon Knight need to develop a fitcheck plan for STS-92 (3A).

07/06/00: Assigned. ECD:07/20/00.

08/10/00: New ECD: 09/15/00.


M. Hembree

Investigate if the ERCM will be used in an EVA before the DTO, creating a glove cut hazard on the tether.

07/20/00: Assigned. ECD 08/10/00.



Submit any post-flight DTO questions for the STS-92 crew to DX/Mike Hembree.

07/20/00: Assigned. ECD 08/10/00.


D. Tani

C. Nicollier

Provide a consensus on DTO pass/fail criteria for STS-92 DTO 689.

07/20/00: Assigned. ECD 08/10/00.

08/17/00: New ECD: 08/31/00.

08/24/00: New ECD: 09/07/00.


M. Hembree

Provide a DTO backup plan in case of RMS failure.

07/20/00: Assigned. ECD 08/10/00.


K. Lewis

Provide a summary of the software DCR to XA.

08/03/00: Assigned. ECD TBD.


K. Lewis

Provide a formal memo to DX/Mary Fitts before STS-106 that gives the status for each SAFER unit.

08/03/00: Assigned. ECD TBD.

08/17/00: New ECD: 09/01/00.


E. Darcy

Provide a work instruction for inspection of incoming electrical parts.

08/03/00: Assigned. ECD 09/11/00.

08/17/00: New ECD: 09/01/00.


E. Darcy

Contact Dave Homan or Jeff Hoblit/VRL to determine whether the battery simulation in the VRL is realistic.

08/03/00: Assigned. ECD 09/01/00.

08/17/00: New ECD: 08/25/00.

08/24/00: EP/Eric Darcy gave Jeff Hoblit instructions on how the VRL should be simulating the battery on 08/23/00. Jeff Hoblit will check his VRL algorithms against Eric’s instructions and report the results of the comparison. New ECD: 08/28/00.


K. Vassigh

Determine the weight of the laptop and the HCM to be put on the CR.

08/10/00: Assigned. 08/24/00.

08/25/00: DX a value of 20 lb. Closed.


K. Lewis

Provide a ROM on the following new latches:

1 — set of Class I tower latches

3 — sets of Class III tower latches

08/17/00: Assigned. ECD TBD.


C. Mooty

Provide a ROM on the following new latches:

1 — set of Class I tower

3 — sets of Class III tower latches

08/17/00: Assigned. ECD TBD.

08/24/00: New ECD: 09/07/00.


K. Lewis

A. Knight

ER/Kevin Lewis and USA/Armon Knight need to develop a fitcheck plan for STS-97(4A).

08/24/00: Assigned. ECD 09/07/00.


T. Elms

K. Lewis

Prepare a configuration matrix for STS-106, STS-92 and STS-97 and document what the differences are between the configurations.

08/24/00: Assigned. ECD 08/31/00.





SpaceRef staff editor.