Status Report

Two New ESA Life Sciences Research Announcements

By SpaceRef Editor
May 15, 2003
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Dear Colleague,

The European Space Agency is soliciting proposals in the field of life sciences related to two specialized ground-based settings:

* ESA/CNES/NASA International Long-term head-down tilt Bed Rest Study

* Medical, Physiological and Psychological Research Using Concordia Antarctic Station

Deadlines are:

For letters of intent: 11th June 2003
For proposals: 11th August 2003

The complete text of the research announcements can be viewed
and downloaded at

In our continuing effort to increase our scientific user community
we encourage you to spread this information to any colleagues of yours,
which might be interested.

Best regards, on behalf of

Didier Schmitt
(Head of Life Sciences Unit,

Peter D. Jost

Life Sciences Medical Doctor

Directorate of Manned Spaceflight and Microgravity


Keplerlaan 1

2201 AZ Noordwijk ZH

The Netherlands

Phone: +31 71 565 6612

Fax: +31 71 565 3661


SpaceRef staff editor.