Status Report

TOPEX/Poseidon Final Status Report 18 January 2006

By SpaceRef Editor
January 20, 2006
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TOPEX/Poseidon Final Status Report 18 January 2006

SPAT STATUS REPORT for Wednesday, January 18, 2006 (UTC 06-018)

This morning, at 9:41am PST the TOPEX/Poseidon spacecraft mission was terminated.

A series of command files was transmitted to the satellite to power off components, sensors, and heaters; close the propulsion system latch valves; remove (2 of the 3) batteries from the charge circuit; and, finally, turn off the telemetry transmitters.

The total mission duration was 13 years, 5 months and 1 week.

Since this will be the final SPAT Status Report, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who contributed to the grand success of the TOPEX/Poseidon Mission and helped to make the generation of these reports a satisfying and rewarding experience.

M Nachman

SpaceRef staff editor.