Today on the ESA TV Service Schedule 30 Jan 2001
Today’s transmission of the ESA TV Service includes:
30-Jan-01 14:00 – 14:30 GMT
Envisat B-roll
New footage to cover the Envisat media day
Background information on the transmission:
On Thursday 1 February, Europe’s media will gather at ESA’s Technical Centre ESTEC for the roll-out of Envisat.
Today’s transmission fatures an Envisat B-roll with material on ESA’s next-generation environmetal satellite, much of it released for the first time. The B-roll includes:
Recordings of Envisat development and testing at ESTEC, including various movements of the satellite between test rooms and recordings of the test teams at work;
Soundbites by Peter Brinkman – Head of Testing – ESTEC, and Jacques Louet – Envisat Programme Manager – ESTEC;
Footage of a recent launch of Ariane 5, the same launcher that will also lift Envisat into orbit,
Images of the primay Envisat ground station in Kiruna
Envisat 3-D Graphics
More background information can be found on