Status Report

The NLSI Lunar Science Conference

By SpaceRef Editor
March 9, 2008
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The NLSI Lunar Science Conference

20-23 jul 2008, NASA Ames Research Center

Sessions will be structured to report on recent results and anticipate future opportunities for lunar science. Papers on elements of education and public outreach will be included to better understand how lunar exploration can be used to stimulate public interest in space exploration and improve science literacy.

The conference will review the state of knowledge of, and opportunities for science:

  • Of the Moon: Study the nature and history of the Moon (including research on lunar samples) to learn about this specific object and thereby provide insights into the evolution of our solar system;
  • On the Moon: Investigate the effects of the lunar environment on terrestrial life and the equipment that supports lunar inhabitants, and the effects on the lunar environment of robotic and human presence;
  • From the Moon: Use the Moon as a platform for performing scientific investigations, including observations of the Earth and other celestial phenomena that are uniquely enabled by being on the lunar surface.

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SpaceRef staff editor.