Status Report

The Ariane 5 for Flight 130 is in the launch zone!

By SpaceRef Editor
September 13, 2000
Filed under

Flight 130’s Ariane 5 has taken the last major step before launch with today’s transfer from the ELA-3 final assembly building to the launch zone.
Rolling on its massive mobile launch table, Europe’s heavy-lift vehicle moved out from the assembly building at 11:00 a.m. local Kourou time, and was in position at the launch zone one hour later.
The transfer was made under partially cloudly, but bright, French Guiana skies.
The launch of Flight 130 remains on schedule for September 14. It will be the third commercial mission for the new heavy-lift vehicle.
The two satellite payloads for Flight 130 are the SociÈtÈ EuropÈenne des Satellites (SES) Astra 2B and GE Americom’s GE-7. Astra 2B is in the upper payload position, while GE-7 is installed below it – riding inside the Sylda 5 dual satellite payload unit.
Separation of Astra 2B from the Ariane 5 will occur about 29 minutes after launch, followed by GE-7 some eight minutes later.
The GE-7 was built by Lockheed Martin, and will be the 14th satellite launched by Ariane for GE Americom. The satellite is to will be positioned at 146 deg. West above the Pacific Ocean, and provide primarily radio and Internet transmission services for North America and the Caribbean.
Astra 2B will be the sixth spacecraft launched by Arianespace for SES. The satellite will weigh approximately 3,315 kg. at liftoff, and is designed for more than 15 years of operation – providing digital TV programs throughout Europe.

SpaceRef staff editor.