Status Report

Terra Weekly Mission Status Update: 31 Jan – 6 Feb 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
February 6, 2002
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The Terra spacecraft is in nominal mode. All instruments are in nominal science mode.

The second in the series of Inclination Adjust Burns for Terra was successfully executed on February 6, 2002. The maneuver occurred several minutes beyond the optimal time (post-ascending node) as a result of a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) conflict, as well as an operations error that caused the CERES instrument to require additional commanding to be placed in the maneuver contamination safe mode. There was expected to be a loss of only a few percent efficiency in the burn, however, as the propellant tank temperatures were raised to increase the efficiency of the 320-second burn. There is expected to be little or no impact to the planned series of maneuvers as a result of this slight delay in execution.

A MODIS calibration roll maneuver was successfully executed on February 1.

Terra Plans:

  • Drag Make-up Maneuver and Inclination Adjust Maneuver (in planning for February);
  • Terra-based Aqua GN Science Data Loading Test (in planning for late February); and
  • MODIS calibration roll maneuver (March 2)

SpaceRef staff editor.