Status Report

Terra Weekly Mission Status Update 14-20 Feb 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
February 14, 2002
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The Terra spacecraft is in nominal mode. All instruments are in nominal science mode.

Planning continues for the third in the series of six Inclination Adjust Burns for Terra. The next burn is planned for February 26.

A security breach on the MISR Instrument Support Terminal resulted in the system being temporarily brought off-line at JPL. Off-line planning and trending analyses are being performed while the issue is worked.

Terra Plans:

  • Inclination Adjust Maneuver and Drag Make-up Maneuver (February/March);
  • Terra-based Aqua GN Science Data Loading Test (next one in early March); and
  • MODIS calibration roll maneuver (March 2)

SpaceRef staff editor.