Status Report

Teaming Opportunity for the Space Technology (ST-8) NRA

By SpaceRef Editor
March 26, 2003
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General Information

  • Document Type: Special Notice
  • Solicitation Number: NASA-SNOTE-030325-001
  • Posted Date: Mar 25, 2003
  • Original Response Date:
  • Original Archive Date: Mar 25, 2004
  • Current Archive Date:

Contracting Office Address

NASA/Langley Research Center, Mail Stop 144, Industry Assistance Office, Hampton, VA 23681-0001


NASA Langley Research Center is seeking partners to develop proposals for the “Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS)-Based High Performance Computing for Space” element of the New Millennium Program (NMP) Space Technology 8 (ST8) NASA Research Announcement (NRA) NRA-03-OSS-02 that was released on February 18, 2003. Background: NASA’s Office of Space Science (OSS) issued NRA-03-OSS-02 for the NMP to solicit proposals for its ST8 Project flight validation opportunities. The goal of NMP is to validate through flight in space breakthrough technologies that show distinct promise of being able to minimize risk of first use and reduce cost for future space science missions. The NRA solicits proposals from prospective Principal Investigators (PI’s) for advanced technology subsystem concept investigations that can be developed for flight validation in the 2005 to 2006 time frame on either an NMP-provided host spacecraft or a PI-identified accommodation for space flight. [Note: For the purpose of ST-8, the NMP defines a PI as a Technology Provider who is the individual responsible for proposing a flight validation concept and for leading technology development, technology validation, and publication of results. The PI works through their parent organization, partners, the NMP Office, and NASA Headquarters (HQ) OSS to achieve the flight validation experiment objectives.] NMP characterizes a technology subsystem as one that can be flight validated in space as a stand alone experiment on a host spacecraft.

Each proposal selected for this ST8 Project and then down-selected at the end of a Study Phase will enter into a Formulation Refinement Phase. At the completion of the Formulation Refinement Phase the technology subsystem concepts will be reviewed by a NASA OSS Mission Confirmation Review board, and if confirmed, will proceed to the Implementation Phase. The ST8 Project is expected to provide a flight validation opportunity for multiple technology subsystems. The ST-8 program is envisioned to be flexible enough to accept technology developments at various stages of maturity (entry TRL 3 to 6), and through appropriate risk reduction activities (such as requirements analysis, conceptual design, laboratory breadboards and pre-engineering models), advance the TRL of the component or subsystem.

The website link to view the NMP ST-8 NRA is:

Partnering Requirement: NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) is seeking partners from other government agencies, industry, academia, and Federal Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC) to participate with NASA LaRC Principal Investigators (PI) in the NMP ST-8 Program to develop a proposal and execute development and performance demonstrations of components and subsystems. Subject to the availability of funds, it is anticipated selected proposal(s) would result in contract(s) for the selected partner(s). This partnering opportunity does not guarantee selection for award of any contracts, nor is it to be construed as a commitment by NASA to pay for the information solicited. It is expected that the partner(s) selected would provide (at no cost to NASA) conceptual designs, technical data, proposal input, project schedules and cost estimates consistent with the requirements of the NRA. Potential partners must demonstrate the capabilities and experience to provide components and subsystems.

Partners must work collaboratively with NASA and other potential government, industry and academic partners to perform the required tasks. Partner selection(s) will be made by LaRC based on the following criteria in the following order of importance: (1) Relevant experience, past performance, technical capability and availability of key personnel: This criteria evaluates the proposer’s relevant recent experience, past performance in similar development activities, technical capability to perform the development and key personnel available to support the development. Substantive evidence (points of contact and telephone numbers) of successful participation in similar developments should be included. (2) Cost and Schedule Control: This criteria evaluates the proposer’s ability to control both cost and schedule. The proposer should provide evidence of successfully controlling cost and schedule for similar development programs and provide evidence of management processes in this area. (3) Facilities: This criterion evaluates the proposer’s facilities (development, testing, and analyses) to conduct the development or demonstration of the proposed task. The proposer should discuss facility availability, access, and the ability to meet the proposed objectives. Responses should be limited to 5 pages (12 point font) and address each of the criteria. All responses should be sent via email to: NASA Langley Research Center: Gregory S. Manuel, G.S.MANUEL@LaRC.NASA.GOV and Jeff A. Herath, J.A.HERATH@LaRC.NASA.GOV. The due date for submission is COB April 7, 2003. Technical questions should be directed to Jeff Herath (see email/phone # below).

Procurement questions should be directed to Mary Jane Yeager, 757-864-2473, Partners are sought for the following technology area. Spacebased Computing Architecture with Time Redundancy and Distribution (SCATRD), Technical Point of Contact: Jeff Herath, 757-864-1098, J.A.HERATH@LaRC.NASA.GOV The long-term objective of this effort is the development of a space qualified COTS high performance distributed computing system and the demonstration of its effectiveness in enabling greatly enhanced on-orbit computing and data product generation capabilities. For this NMP ST-8 program we propose to develop a working SCATRD system, to incorporate at least 3 powerful computing nodes utilizing distributed computing. Responses are solicited from potential NMP ST-8 program partners who can demonstrate the capabilities and experience to design, manufacture and test this type of advanced computing system. Selected partners will be expected to work collaboratively with government representatives and other potential industry and academic partners to perform some or all of the following tasks: ? Design and manufacture the SCATRD system ? Design of the distributed computing architecture ? Obtain and analyze suitable integrated circuits ? Perform initial functional tests ? Assist with the integration of the system ? Assist with environmental testing, evaluation and deviation resolution ? Assist with demonstration of the system ? Provide or assist in the procurement of flight opportunities? Perform field experiments and analyze data collected.

Email your questions to Gregory Manuel at

SpaceRef staff editor.