Table of Contents: Icarus, Volume 162, Issue 1, Pages 1-232 (March 2003)
Icarus Copyright © 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved Volume 162, Issue 1, Pages 1-232 (March 2003)
1. Vesta’s UV lightcurve: hemispheric variationin brightness and spectral reversal, Pages 1-9
Amanda R. Hendrix, Faith Vilas and Michel C. Festou
2. Distribution of taxonomic classes in the main belt of asteroids, Pages 10-21
Thais Mothé-Diniz, Jorge M. árcio Carvano and Daniela Lazzaro
3. The plane of the Edgeworth–Kuiper belt, Pages 22-26
Simon J. Collander-Brown, Mario D. Melita, Iwan P. Williams and Alan Fitzsimmons
4. Colors and collision rates within the Kuiper belt: problems with the collisional resurfacing scenario, Pages 27-37
P. Thébault and A. Doressoundiram
5. Reseeding of early earth by impacts of returning ejecta during the late heavy bombardment, Pages 38-46
Llyd E. Wells, John C. Armstrong and Guillermo Gonzalez
6. Radial diffusion rate of planetesimals due to gravitational encounters, Pages 47-58
Keiji Ohtsuki and Hidekazu Tanaka
7. The structure, ordering and equation of state of ammonia dihydrate (nh3 · 2h2o), Pages 59-73
A. D. Fortes, I. G. Wood, J. P. Brodholt and L. Voadlo
8. The dynamics of jovian white ovals from formation to merger, Pages 74-94
Ashraf Youssef and Philip S. Marcus
9. Microphysical modeling of ethane ice clouds in titan’s atmosphere, Pages 95-114
Erika L. Barth and Owen B. Toon
10. The photochemical formation of a titan haze analog. Structural analysis by x-ray photoelectron and infrared spectroscopy, Pages 115-125
Buu N. Tran, James P. Ferris and John J. Chera
11. Titan’s 5-m window: observations with the Very Large Telescope, Pages 126-143
E. Lellouch, A. Coustenis, B. Sebag, J. -G. Cuby, M. López-Valverde, B. Schmitt, T. Fouchet and J. Crovisier
12. Saturn’s wayward shepherds: the peregrinations of Prometheus and Pandora, Pages 144-171
Richard G. French, Colleen A. McGhee, Luke Dones and Jack J. Lissauer
13. Photometry of pluto in the last decade and before: evidence for volatile transport?, Pages 172-183
B. J. Buratti, J. K. Hillier, A. Heinze, M. D. Hicks, K. A. Tryka, J. A. Mosher, J. Ward, M. Garske, J. Young and J. Atienza-Rosel
14. Gas trapping in water ice at very low deposition rates and implications for comets, Pages 184-190
G. Notesco, A. Bar-Nun and T. Owen
15. Analyses of dust coma morphology of Comet Hyakutake (1996 B2) near perigee: outburst behavior, jet motion, source region locations, and nucleus pole orientation, Pages 191-214
David G. Schleicher and Laura M. Woodney
16. On the possibility of earth-type habitable planets around 47 UMa, Pages 215-222
Manfred Cuntz, Werner von Bloh, Christine Bounama and Siegfried Franck
17. Discovery of co2 ice and leading–trailing spectral asymmetry on the uranian satellite ariel, Pages 223-230
W. M. Grundy, L. A. Young and E. F. Young
18. Erratum to “on the inclination distribution of the jovian irregular satellites”[Icarus 158 (2002) 434–449], Pages 231-232
Valerio Carruba, Joseph A. Burns, Philip D. Nicholson and Brett J. Gladman
19. Editorial Board, Page C2