Status Report

Summary of the Office of Inspector General’s Reviews on Aspects of NASA’s Response to the Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report

By SpaceRef Editor
May 24, 2005
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Summary of the Office of Inspector General’s Reviews on Aspects of NASA’s Response to the Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report

Full report (PDF)

This report is a summary of OIG Office of Audits’ activities on NASA’s response to the CAIB report. In general, we found that NASA was meeting its RTF objectives. During our reviews, performed from September 2003 through May 2005, we identified no significant issues or problems that would indicate an unnacceptable risk for returning the space shuttle to flight that the SSP is not already engaged in solving.

It should be noted that some of our earlier reviews, such as IG-04-020, “Status of NASA OIG Review of External Tank Thermal Protection System Debris Shedding,” June 8, 2004, and “Status of NASA office of Inspector General Review of Space Shuttle Imaging, Audit Assignment A-04-007-00”, April 16, 2004, were simply reviews of NASA’s plans to address the CAIB recommendations, not of the actual implementation of the plans or actions taken beyond the planning stage.

SpaceRef staff editor.