STS-97 Launch Weather Forecast 29 November 2000
STS-97 Launch Weather Forecast
Eastern Range Operation Forecast
Op Number: A9899
Issued: 29 Nov 00/0700 EST
Valid: 1 Dec 00/0300-0310 UTC (30/2200-2210 EST)
Vehicle/Payload: STS-97 (Endeavour)/ISS-06-4A
Location: CX 39B
Launch Weather Officer: Ed Priselac
Synoptic High pressure over the southern Mississippi valley expected to Discussion: dominate local weather. This will bring brisk winds and cool temperatures, with just a slight threat of low cloud ceilings.
Clouds Coverage Bases (feet) Tops (feet)
Stratocumulus 3/8 (SCT) 4000 7000
Cirrus 3/8 (SCT) 25000 28000
Visibility: 7 mi
Wind: 350 10 P 16 kt (60 foot pad winds)
Temperature: 52 F RH: 77% Dewpoint: 45
Weather: Nil
Probability of KSC weather prohibiting launch: 10%
Probability of KSC weather prohibiting tanking: 0%
Primary concern(s): Low cloud ceiling
Probability of KSC weather prohibiting launch for 24 hour delay: 10% Probability of KSC weather prohibiting tanking: 0%
Primary concern(s) Low cloud ceiling
Probability of KSC weather prohibiting launch for 48 hour delay: 10% Probability of KSC weather prohibiting tanking: 0%
Primary concern(s): Low cloud ceiling
Sunrise: 30 Nov 0656 EST Moonrise: 30 Nov 1044 EST Illumination: 15% Sunset: 30 Nov 1725 EST Moonset: 30 Nov 2129 EST
Next Forecast will be issued: IF REQUIRED