Status Report

STS-125 Mission Update – April 28 2009

By SpaceRef Editor
April 28, 2009
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On NASA Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Pad 39A, radiator dents, caused by a falling socket in Atlantis’ payload bay during payload installation operations last week, were photographed yesterday and a crack was observed. During an inspection last week, personnel noted a crease, but did not observe a crack in the dented radiator panel. Managers and engineers are reviewing the data and evaluating the repair options that may include adding a doubler or stop drilling to prevent the crack from spreading. Any repair necessary is not expected to delay the targeted May 11 launch.

The STS-125 crew is at Kennedy today to conduct a payload walkdown at the pad. Commander Scott Altman and Pilot Gregory C. Johnson will practice landing procedures in Shuttle Training Aircraft this evening before returning to NASA’s Johnson Space Center.

SpaceRef staff editor.