Status Report

STS-105 Status Report #3 – 11 Aug 2001 – 7:00 PM CDT

By SpaceRef Editor
August 11, 2001
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The seven crewmembers

aboard Discovery, including the future residents of the International

Space Station (ISS), spent their first full day in orbit today preparing

for their arrival tomorrow at the orbital outpost.

Commander Scott

Horowitz, Pilot Rick Sturckow and Mission Specialists Pat Forrester

and Dan Barry, along with Expedition Three Commander Frank Culbertson,

Pilot Vladimir Dezhurov and Flight Engineer Mikhail Tyurin, checked

out Shuttle systems, navigational tools and docking hardware in advance

of Discoveryís planned linkup to the ISS.

The docking is

scheduled to occur Sunday at 1:38 p.m. Central time over the Indian

Ocean northwest of Australia, just south of the Indonesian island of


Forrester and Horowitz

powered up, unfurled and checked out Discovery’s 50-foot long robotic

arm, which will be used by Forrester to move the Leonardo cargo module

from Discovery’s payload bay to the ISS for the transfer of food and

supplies, and by Horowitz to transport Barry and Forrester around the

Station during their two spacewalks next week.

In addition, Barry

and Forrester tested the devices they will use tomorrow to measure Discoveryís

distance from the ISS and its rate of closure on the complex during

the terminal phase of the Shuttleís approach to the Station. Discovery’s

docking mechanism was also checked out and its outer docking ring extended

to insure it is ready for tomorrow’s capture of the ISS docking port

on the forward end of the Station’s Destiny laboratory module.

Next week, Barry

and Forrester will test the spacesuits they will wear during their two

excursions outside Discovery to attach a spare cooling reservoir to

the ISS and to hook up heating cables for a large truss structure that

will be mounted to the Station next year.

The crew enjoyed

a few hours of spare time this afternoon to relax as they wound down

for the start of an eight-hour sleep period just after 9 p.m. Central

time tonight.

Aboard the ISS,

Expedition Two Commander Yury Usachev and Flight Engineers Jim Voss

and Susan Helms spent the day packing up personal items and preparing

Station systems for tomorrow’s arrival of their replacements, Culbertson,

Pilot Vladimir Dezhurov and Flight Engineer Mikhail Tyurin. This was

the 156th day in space for the current occupants of the ISS.

The exchange of

crew members on the Station will occur on Monday, although formal command

of the Station will not be transferred from Usachev to Culbertson until

a few hours before Discovery’s undocking on August 20.

Almost 7,000 pounds

of food, supplies and personal items for the Expedition Three crew are

housed in Leonardo, the Italian-built Multi-Purpose Logistics Module


Once the module

is transferred to the Station and unpacked, it will be filled with equipment

no longer needed on the ISS, including Expedition Two crew clothing

and trash for return to Earth.

Discovery is orbiting

the Earth in excellent shape with no issues being worked by the flight

control team. The next mission status report will be issued Sunday morning

after the crew is awakened, or earlier, if events warrant.

SpaceRef staff editor.