Status Report

STS-105 Status Report #16 – 18 Aug 2001 – 5:30 AM CDT

By SpaceRef Editor
August 18, 2001
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Discovery astronauts

Dan Barry and Pat Forrester will perform the second space walk of the

STS-105 mission today, hooking up heating cables and installing handrails

on the International Space Station’s Destiny Laboratory in advance of

the arrival of a large truss structure at the complex next year. Meanwhile,

the new Expedition Three crew aboard the station will continue packing

the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Leonardo for its return to Earth

Discovery’s astronauts,

including the returning Expedition Two crew, were awakened at 4 a.m.

Central time by “Hotel California,” performed by the Eagles.

It was requested for Expedition Two Commander Yury Usachev by his wife.

The new station

crew, Commander Frank Culbertson and Cosmonauts Vladimir Dezhurov and

Mikhail Tyurin, are beginning a four-month stay on the station. They

will be separated from Discovery’s crew by closed hatches to accommodate

today’s space walk

Barry and Forrester

are to emerge from the shuttle’s airlock a little after 9 a.m. Central

time. Commander Scott Horowitz will operate the shuttle’s robotic arm

to move the space walkers around while Pilot Rick Sturckow will serve

as the space walk choreographer.

The heating cables

Barry and Forrester will install are for the S0 truss, to be delivered

to the station next year. The space walk is the 26th in support of the

assembly of the International Space Station and is expected to last

around 6 hours.

Discovery and

the station are orbiting the Earth every 90 minutes at an average altitude

of 246 statute miles with all systems functioning well. The next status

report will be issued about 6 p.m., or earlier, if events warrant.

SpaceRef staff editor.