Stardust Status Report June 27, 2003

The Stardust team had eight periods of communication with the spacecraft in
the past week. Telemetry relayed from the spacecraft indicates it is
healthy and all subsystems continue to operate normally.
The 1 Astronomical Unit Engineering Activities have successfully
started.This series of activities will provide valuable data and reduce the
uncertainty during the sample return capsule’s release and Earth return on
January 15, 2006. One of the activities that will take place entails
placing the spacecraft in the ‘sample return capsule release attitude’ and
measuring the small forces, solar pressure and thruster firings, that occur
while at that attitude.
Information on the present position and orbits of the Stardust spacecraft
and comet Wild 2 may be found on the "Where Is Stardust Right Now?" web
page located at: <
For more information on the Stardust mission — the first ever comet
sample-return mission — please visit the Stardust home page: