Stardust Status Report July 27, 2001
There were two Deep Space Network (DSN) tracking passes
this week and all subsystems are performing normally.
The Cometary and Interstellar Dust Analyzer (CIDA)
continues to observe the interstellar dust stream with an
optimal spacecraft attitude when not in communication
with Earth.
The Spacecraft Test Laboratory (STL) computer, located
on the ground in Denver, Colorado, that went down at the
end of last week, was brought back up by replacing a
board. The Stardust project is in search of an old
SGI Challenger series computer that has more
capability than our current but even older SGI Onyx
computer. Both share the same operating system.
For more information on the Stardust mission — the first
ever comet sample return mission — please visit the
Stardust home page: