Stardust Status Report 12-17-1999
There were two scheduled Deep Space Network (DSN) passes this week with
the STARDUST spacecraft, and all onboard subsystems are performing normally.
No additional Payload Attitude Control Interface (PACI) resets were
observed during this time period. Data collection of this activity is
ongoing. Commands were sent to perform a check of all onboard files to
compare with the Spacecraft Test Laboratory (STL) files to verify STL
Preparations for the first Trajectory Correction Maneuver (TCM-A) are
in progress. A trade was made between performing
TCM-A as near as possible to Deep Space Maneuver 1 (DSM-1) with marginal
communications or a totally inefficient TCM but with excellent
communication. The inefficient TCM was ruled out because of potential
mission risk of lowering tank pressure below an acceptable level for
Attitude Control SYstem (ACS) control authority during the Comet
Wild 2 flyby in 2004.
TCM-A will be an 11-meter/second burn (approximately 5 minutes 11
seconds) and will verify the spacecraft’s ability to perform a TCM and
in the exact configuration for DSM-1 which will be 170 m/s. This
maneuver will be performed on December 28 at 08:30 MST.
The commands to perform the first battery conditioning are in STL
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory awarded a $0.5M contract for the Solar
System Educators Program to Space Explorers, Inc. in Lawrence,
Wisconsin to provide teachers with materials and skills necessary to
increase the science and math performance of students throughout the
country by engaging them in Solar System Exploration, including
Education and Public Outreach participated in a special education
program highlighting STARDUST in Wyoming at the school where educator
Paul Crips was awarded the Christa McAuliffe Teacher of the Year
For more information on the STARDUST mission – the first ever
comet sample return mission – please visit the STARDUST home page: