SSRMS Forward Plan 7A Launch Recommendation
SSRMS Forward Plan
7A Launch Recommendation
OM/Program Integration
C.A. (Skip) Hatfield
- Assure crew rotation in August 2001 (7A.1 mission must fly prior to August 18 range closure)
- Assure mission success (including preventing scenarios that are impossible to realistically recover)
- Work within all Beta cutout and range constraints
- Assure multiple launch attempts for both 7A and 7A.1 missions
- Finally, minimize impact to flight sequence if feasible
Elbow Pitch joint RDC BIT fault
– Occurred once, and cleared
Brake Voltage Faults
– Occurred several times, then cleared
Shoulder pitch joint RT comm error
– Most serious of the faults– Persistent for several days, then cleared
7A.1 mission is coupled to 7A – Resolved
If launched first, several cargo items need to be removed from 7A and relocated to 7A.1
If problem not resolved, must terminate 7A attempts NLT 6/22/01
- Appearance of this fault causes the MSS system to auto-safe
- The fault immediately cleared, brakes were removed and operations continued
- Malfunction procedures lead to the transient conclusion
- Note: The elbow pitch RDC BIT flag is unrelated, and believed to be a result of preload on the SSRMS prior to ungrapple
- Transient due to noise on SIN/COS or 3Khz excitation signal, or
- Single Event Upset (station was at high latitude at time of occurrence)
– Three different messages indicating loss of brake bus voltage, caused safing and application of brakes
– 2 times immediately after fault, then again 5 hours later
– 3 times when brake diagnostic tests were performed 9 days later
– Leaving the brakes off for long periods (>1.5 hours) did not trigger failure
– Short on ACU Brake card causes erroneous current limiting, leading to loss of voltage under load.
– Fail to set RT address during initialization
– Fail to communicate in standby/operational (2/3 of occurrences)
– JEU sets RT error flag periodically during transmission received correctly by ACU, resulting in safing
– Loop back test (most likely)
– Watchdog timer
– Over 1200 hours in keep alive
– Over 400 hours in operational
– Over 5 hours of arm motion
– Approximately 28% of total powered (Keep alive) time
– It appears that chance has caused this, with no common root cause identifiable that would explain any grouping of these events
– ACU/Brake fault is isolated
– Intermittent RDC BIT errors may occur on either string
– The 1553 RT error may not be isolated to a single string
– Technical Rationale in place to support probable root cause
– SW Patch needed to protect for 1553 RT faults
– Spare ACU in place for brake fault if required
– Can protect for loss of both 1553 strings
– Can install 2 of 4 high pressure gas tanks
– LPM Sharon Castle to present any required decisions to support this
– Opportunities exist every Tuesday (limited) and Thursday through launch
– Develop plan for how much testing to do (probably conduct a mix of airlock dry runs for proficiency, L-48 type performance checkouts)
– Engineering/MER:
– Flight Control:
– LPM:
– Increment Manager:
– All procedures needed for 7A operations are in place.
– Working Prime String
– Anomalies on redundant string explained/workarounds in place
– EVA keep alive option in place as last resort