Spaceline/NASA Space Life Science Current Awareness – 8 March 2002
Alenghat FJ, Ingber DE.
Mechanotransduction: all signals point to cytoskeleton, matrix, and integrins.
Sci STKE. 2002 Feb 12;2002(119):PE6.
(PI: D.E. Ingber)
Qin JX, Shiota T, Lever HM, Rubin DN, Bauer F, Kim YJ, Sitges M, Greenberg
NL, Drinko JK, Martin M, Agler DA, Thomas JD.
Impact of left ventricular outflow tract area on systolic outflow velocity in
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a real-time three-dimensional echocardiographic
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002 Jan 16;39(2):308-14.
(PI: J.D. Thomas)
Imadojemu VA, Gleeson K, Gray KS, Sinoway LI, Leuenberger UA.
Obstructive apnea during sleep is associated with peripheral vasoconstriction.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2002 Jan 1;165(1):61-6.
(PI: L.I. Sinoway)
Gridley DS, Pecaut MJ, Dutta-Roy R, Nelson GA.
Dose and dose rate effects of whole-body proton irradiation on leukocyte
populations and lymphoid organs: part I.
Immunol Lett. 2002 Jan 1;80(1):55-66.
(PI: G.A. Nelson)
Pecaut MJ, Gridley DS, Smith AL, Nelson GA.
Dose and dose rate effects of whole-body proton-irradiation on lymphocyte
blastogenesis and hematological variables: part II.
Immunol Lett. 2002 Jan 1;80(1):67-73.
(PI: G.A. Nelson)
Wyatt SE, Tsou PL, Robertson D.
Expression of the high capacity calcium-binding domain of calreticulin increases
bioavailable calcium stores in plants.
Transgenic Res. 2002 Feb;11(1):1-10.
(PIs: D. Robertson and C.S. Brown: NSCORT in Plant Gravitational Physiology)
Yamamoto K, Kiss JZ.
Disruption of the actin cytoskeleton results in the promotion of gravitropism in
inflorescence stems and hypocotyls of Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol. 2002 Feb;128(2):669-81.
(PI: J.Z. Kiss)
Long JC, Zhao W, Rashotte AM, Muday GK, Huber SC.
Gravity-stimulated changes in auxin and invertase gene expression in maize
pulvinal cells.
Plant Physiol. 2002 Feb;128(2):591-602.
(PIs: G.K. Muday, S.C. Huber and C.S. Brown: NSCORT in Plant Gravitational Physiology)
Persson S, Love J, Tsou PL, Robertson D, Thompson WF, Boss WF.
When a day makes a difference. Interpreting data from endoplasmic
reticulum-targeted green fluorescent protein fusions in cells grown in
suspension culture.
Plant Physiol. 2002 Feb;128(2):341-4.
(PIs: D. Robertson, W.F. Thompson, W.F. Boss and C.S. Brown: NSCORT in Plant Gravitational Physiology)
Levinskikh MA, Sychev VN, Derendiaeva TA, Signalova OB, Podol’skii IG,
Avdeev SV, Bingheim GE,
[Growth and development of plants in a row of generations under the conditions
of space flight (experiment Greenhouse-5)]
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(4):45-9. Russian.
(PI: W.F. Campbell)
Akopyan VP, Simonyan MA, Manukyan AA, Simonyan RM, Akopyan AA.
Imbalance between rat blood metalloproteins in the early stage of hypokinesia.
Bull Exp Biol Med. 2001 Nov;132(5):1062-4.
Gillespie G.
Telemedicine takes aim at final frontier.
Health Data Manag. 2002 Jan;10(1):88-90, 92.
Boskey AL, Paschalis EP, Binderman I, Doty SB.
BMP-6 accelerates both chondrogenesis and mineral maturation in differentiating
chick limb-bud mesenchymal cell cultures.
J Cell Biochem. 2002;84(3):509-19.
Gasc JP.
Comparative aspects of gait, scaling and mechanics in mammals.
Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2001 Dec;131(1):121-33. Review.
Hoermann HJ.
Cultural variation of perceptions of crew behaviour in multi-pilot aircraft.
Trav Hum. 2001 Sep;64(3):247-68.
Blum L.
Johnson Space Center reaches for the stars.
Qual Prog. 2001 Dec;34(12):61-3.
Hindus LA.
Diving into the depths of immersive 3D.
Adv Imaging. 2001 Jun;16(6):47-51.
Balaban E, Centini C, Pompeiano O.
Tonic gravity changes alter gene expression in the efferent vestibular nucleus.
Neuroreport. 2002 Jan 21;13(1):187-90.
Ritter S, Nasonova E, Gudowska-Novak E.
Effect of LET on the yield and quality of chromosomal damage in metaphase cells:
a time-course study.
Int J Radiat Biol. 2002 Mar;78(3):191-202.
Klier EM, Wang H, Constantin AG, Crawford JD.
Midbrain control of three-dimensional head orientation.
Science. 2002 Feb 15;295(5558):1314-6.
Smetacek V.
Balance: Mind-grasping gravity.
Nature. 2002 Jan 31;415(6871):481.
Uchihori Y, Kitamura H, Fujitaka K, Dachev TP, Tomov BT, Dimitrov PG,
Matviichuk Y.
Analysis of the calibration results obtained with Liulin-4J
spectrometer-dosimeter on protons and heavy ions.
Radiat Meas. 2002 Apr;35(2):127-34.
Tawara H, Doke T, Hayashi T, Kikuchi J, Kyan A, Nagaoka S, Nakano T,
Takahashi S, Terasawa K, Yoshihira E.
LET distributions from CR-39 plates on Space Shuttle missions STS-84 and STS-91
and a comparison of the results of the CR-39 plates with those of RRMD-II and
RRMD-III telescopes.
Radiat Meas. 2002 Apr;35(2):119-26.
Zlotopol’skii VM.
[Systems and methods for the removal of harmful trace contaminants from
atmosphere of space vehicles]
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(4):7-14. Russian.
Veselova TD, Il’ina GM, Levinskikh MA, Sychev VN.
[Embryological investigation of super-dwarf wheat grown in laboratory experiment
with elevated content of ethylene in atmosphere]
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(4):41-5. Russian.
Novikova ND.
[Basic patterns of microflora development in the environment of orbital complex
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(4):32-40. Russian.
Kaplanskii AS, Loginov VI, Grigor’ev AI.
[Functioning of endocrine glands controlling calcium turnover in microgravity]
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(4):3-6. Russian.
Nechaev AP.
[The algorithm for planning cosmonauts’ timeline in flight (by the results of
long-duration Mir mission)]
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(4):21-5. Russian.
Genin AM, Il’in AE, Kaplanskii AS, Kasatkina TB, Kuznetsova KA, Pestov ID,
Smirnova TA.
[Bioethics of research on humans and animals in aviation, space and marine
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(4):14-20. Russian.