Status Report

Spaceline/NASA Space Life Science Current Awareness – 7 September 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
September 7, 2001
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Gallagher KM, Fadel PJ, Stromstad M, Ide K, Smith SA, Querry RG, Raven PB,
Secher NH.
Effects of exercise pressor reflex activation on carotid baroreflex function
during exercise in humans.
J Physiol. 2001 Jun 15;533(Pt 3):871-80.
(PI: P.B. Raven)

Delp MD, Armstrong RB, Godfrey DA, Laughlin MH, Ross CD, Wilkerson MK.
Exercise increases blood flow to locomotor, vestibular, cardiorespiratory and
visual regions of the brain in miniature swine.
J Physiol. 2001 Jun 15;533(Pt 3):849-59.
(PI: M.D. Delp)

Thomas JD.
Patent foramen ovale with right-to-left shunting: echocardiographic alternatives.
Eur J Echocardiogr. 2001;2(2):74-5. Editorial.
(PI: J.D. Thomas)
Note: This editorial, commenting on another paper, discusses whether astronauts should be screened for PFOs.

Nagashima K, Wu J, Kavouras SA, Mack GW.
Increased renal tubular sodium reabsorption during exercise-induced hypervolemia
in humans.
J Appl Physiol. 2001 Sep;91(3):1229-36.
(PI: G.W. Mack)

Woodman CR, Schrage WG, Rush JW, Ray CA, Price EM, Hasser EM, Laughlin MH.
Hindlimb unweighting decreases endothelium-dependent dilation and eNOS
expression in soleus not gastrocnemius.
J Appl Physiol. 2001 Sep;91(3):1091-8.
(PI: W.G. Schrage: Graduate Student Research Project)

Ray CA, Vasques M, Miller TA, Wilkerson MK, Delp MD.
Effect of short-term microgravity and long-term hindlimb unloading on rat
cardiac mass and function.
J Appl Physiol. 2001 Sep;91(3):1207-13.
(PIs: C.A. Ray and M.D. Delp)

Stahlberg R, Van Volkenburgh E, Cleland RE.
Long-distance signaling within Coleus x hybridus leaves; mediated by changes in
intra-leaf CO2?
Planta. 2001 Jul;213(3):342-51.
(PI: R.E. Cleland)

Pierson DL.
Microbial contamination of spacecraft.
Gravit Space Biol Bull. 2001 Jun;14(2):1-6.
(PI: D.L. Pierson)

Shearer WT.
Contamination of the spacecraft environment: immunologic consequences.
Gravit Space Biol Bull. 2001 Jun;14(2):7-14.
(PI: W.T. Shearer)

Leach JE, Ryba-White M, Sun Q, Wu CJ, Hilaire E, Gartner C, Nedukha O,
Kordyum E, Keck M, Leung H, Guikema JA.
Plants, plant pathogens, and microgravity–a deadly trio.
Gravit Space Biol Bull. 2001 Jun;14(2):15-23.
(PI: J.E. Leach)

Palinkas LA.
Psychosocial issues in long-term space flight: overview.
Gravit Space Biol Bull. 2001 Jun;14(2):25-33.
(PI: L.A. Palinkas)

Kanas N, Salnitskiy V, Gurnd EM, Weiss DS, Gushin V, Bostrom A, Kozerenko O,
Sled A, Marmar CR.
Psychosocial issues in space: results from Shuttle/Mir.
Gravit Space Biol Bull. 2001 Jun;14(2):35-45.
(PI: N. Kanas)

Sikavitsas VI, Temenoff JS, Mikos AG.
Biomaterials and bone mechanotransduction.
Biomaterials. 2001 Oct;22(19):2581-93. Review.
(PI: A.G. Mikos)

Gallagher KM, Fadel PJ, Stromstad M, Ide K, Smith SA, Querry RG, Raven PB,
Secher NH.
Effects of partial neuromuscular blockade on carotid baroreflex function during
exercise in humans.
J Physiol. 2001 Jun 15;533(Pt 3):861-70.

Deschenes MR, Britt AA, Chandler WC.
A comparison of the effects of unloading in young adult and aged skeletal
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2001 Sep;33(9):1477-83.

Tang DD, Gunst SJ.
Selected Contribution: roles of focal adhesion kinase and paxillin in the
mechanosensitive regulation of myosin phosphorylation in smooth muscle.
J Appl Physiol. 2001 Sep;91(3):1452-9.

Wu J, Mack GW.
Effect of lymphatic outflow pressure on lymphatic albumin transport in humans.
J Appl Physiol. 2001 Sep;91(3):1223-8.
Note: Examined the effect of posture on these phenomena.

Burgess HJ, Sletten T, Savic N, Gilbert SS, Dawson D.
Effects of bright light and melatonin on sleep propensity, temperature, and
cardiac activity at night.
J Appl Physiol. 2001 Sep;91(3):1214-22.

Meerlo P, Easton A, Bergmann BM, Turek FW.
Restraint increases prolactin and REM sleep in C57BL/6J mice but not in BALB/cJ
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2001 Sep;281(3):R846-54.

Fu Q, Iwase S, Niimi Y, Kamiya A, Kawanokuchi J, Cui J, Mano T, Suzumura A.
Effects of lower body positive pressure on muscle sympathetic nerve activity
response to head-up tilt.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2001 Sep;281(3):R778-85.

Narayanan K, Collins JJ, Hamner J, Mukai S, Lipsitz LA.
Predicting cerebral blood flow response to orthostatic stress from resting
dynamics: effects of healthy aging.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2001 Sep;281(3):R716-22.

Zhou W, Tang BF, King WM.
Responses of rostral fastigial neurons to linear acceleration in an alert
Exp Brain Res. 2001 Jul;139(1):111-5.

Pump B, Kamo T, Gabrielsen A, Norsk P.
Mechanisms of hypotensive effects of a posture change from seated to supine in
Acta Physiol Scand. 2001 Apr;171(4):405-12.

Cheung B, Hofer K.
Coriolis-induced cutaneous blood flow increase in the forearm and calf.
Brain Res Bull. 2001 Apr;54(6):609-18.
Note (from abstract): “Coriolis-induced cardiovascular changes may confound previous reports on reduced G tolerance using ground-based centrifuges that invariably evoke cross-coupling effects.”

Kostenuik PJ, Shalhoub V.
Osteoprotegerin: a physiological and pharmacological inhibitor of bone
Curr Pharm Des. 2001 May;7(8):613-35. Review.

Sandal GM.
Psychosocial issues in space: future challenges.
Gravit Space Biol Bull. 2001 Jun;14(2):47-54.

Klaus DM.
Clinostats and bioreactors.
Gravit Space Biol Bull. 2001 Jun;14(2):55-64.

Schmitt D, Angerer O.
Human and rodent ground-based models of space flight environments.
Gravit Space Biol Bull. 2001 Jun;14(2):65-7.

Levinskikh MA, Signalova OB, Derendiaeva TA, Livanskaya OG, Nefedova EL,
Sychev VN, Podolsky IG.
[Development of a cultivation technology and selection of leaf vegetable cultures
for space greenhouses].
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(1):61-7. Russian.

Baranov VM, Tikhonov MA, Kotov AN, Donina ZhA, Lavrova IN.
[The effect of complex barometric exposure on hemodynamics during simulation
of the physiological impacts of microgravity in animals].
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(1):55-60. Russian.

Katuntsev VP, Chadov VI, Filipenkov SN, Iseev LR, Vorobiev GF, Polyakov VN,
Kazakova RT, Skedina MA.
[Assessment of the risk of altitude decompression sickness during simulation of
repeated (with 12-hr interval) egresses into open space].
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(1):51-5. Russian.

Osadchiy LI, Balueva TV, Sergeev IV.
[Reactivity of the arterial system to orthostasis].
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(1):41-6. Russian.

Romanov YuA, Kabaeva NV, Buravkova LB.
[Alterations in actin (correction of actine) cytoskeleton and rate of reparation of
human endothelium (the wound-healing model) under the condition of clinostatting].
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(1):37-40. Russian.

Badakva AM, Miller NV, Ryazanskiy SN.
[Effect of antiorthostatic hypokinesia and its combination with +Gz runs on the
otolith regulation of cardiac rhythm in primates].
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(1):32-7. Russian.

Ilyina-Kakueva EI.
[Peculiarities of development of muscular atrophy in rats of varying age due to
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(1):28-32. Russian.

Durnova GN, Alekseev EI, Loginov VI, Kaplansky AS.
[Age-related characteristics of osteopenia in rats caused by deficient support loads
on hind limbs].
Aviakosm Ekolog Med. 2001;35(1):24-8. Russian.

Robertson D, Shannon JR, Jordan J, Davis TL, Diedrich A, Jacob G, Garland E,
Tellioglu T, Biaggioni I.
Multiple system atrophy: new developments in pathophysiology and therapy.
Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2001 Jul;7(3):257-60.

SpaceRef staff editor.