Status Report

Spaceline/NASA Space Life Science Current Awareness – 19 October 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
October 19, 2001
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Boyle R, Mensinger AF, Yoshida K, Usui S, Intravaia A, Tricas T, Highstein
Neural readaptation to earth’s gravity following return from space.
J Neurophysiol. 2001 Oct;86(4):2118-22.
(PI: S.M. Highstein)

Whitson PA, Pietrzyk RA, Morukov BV, Sams CF.
The risk of renal stone formation during and after long duration space flight.
Nephron. 2001 Nov;89(3):264-70.
(PI: P.A. Whitson)

Gao Q, Fang A, Pierson DL, Mishra SK, Demain AL.
Shear stress enhances microcin B17 production in a rotating wall bioreactor, but
ethanol stress does not.
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2001 Aug;56(3-4):384-7.
(PI: A.L. Demain)

Stone JR, Wray GA.
Rapid evolution of cis-regulatory sequences via local point mutations.
Mol Biol Evol. 2001 Sep;18(9):1764-70.
(PI: G.A. Wray)

Schulte-Frohlinde V, Ashkenazy Y, Ivanov PC, Glass L, Goldberger AL, Stanley
Noise effects on the complex patterns of abnormal heartbeats.
Phys Rev Lett. 2001 Aug 6;87(6):068104-1-4.
(PI: A.L. Goldberger)

Darnell RL, Stutte GW.
Nitrate concentration effects on NO3-N uptake and reduction, growth, and fruit yield in strawberry.
J Am Soc Hort Sci. 2001 Sept;126(5):560-3.
(PI: G.W. Stutte)

Setlow RB, Woodhead AD.
Three unique experimental fish stories: Poecilia (the past), Xiphophorus (the present), and Medaka (the future).
Mar Biotechnol. 2001 Jul-Aug;3(Suppl 1):S17-23.
(PI: R.B. Setlow)

Eiceman GA, Nazarov EG, Rodriguez JE, Stone JA.
Analysis of a drift tube at ambient pressure: models and precise measurements in ion mobility spectrometry.
Rev Sci Instrum. 2001 Sept;72(9):3610-21.
(PI: G.A. Eiceman)

Clendaniel RA, Lasker DM, Minor LB.
Horizontal vestibuloocular reflex evoked by high-acceleration rotations in the
squirrel monkey. IV. Responses after spectacle-induced adaptation.
J Neurophysiol. 2001 Oct;86(4):1594-611.
(PI: M.J. Shelhamer)

Sack FD, Schwuchow JM, Wagner T, Kern V.
Gravity sensing in moss protonemata.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):871-6.
(PI: F.D. Sack)

Kiss JZ, Ruppel NJ, Hangarter RP.
Phototropism in Arabidopsis roots is mediated by two sensory systems.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):877-85.
(PIs: J.Z. Kiss and R.P. Hangarter)

Kuznetsov OA, Hasenstein KH.
Intracellular magnetophoresis of statoliths in Chara rhizoids and analysis of cytoplasm viscoelasticity.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):887-92.
(PI: K.H. Hasenstein)

Stankovic B, Antonsen F, Johnsson A, Volkmann D, Sack FD.
Autonomic straightening of gravitropically curved cress roots in microgravity.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):915-9.
(PI: F.D. Sack)

Kern VD, Sack FD.
Effects of spaceflight (STS-87) on tropisms and plastid positioning in protonemata of the moss Ceratodon purpureus.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):941-9.
(PI: F.D. Sack)

Kordyum E, Guikema J.
An active role of the amyloplasts and nuclei of root statocytes in graviperception.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):951-6.
(PI: J.A. Guikema)

Klymchuk DO, Brown CS, Chapman DK, Vorobyova TV, Martyn GM.
Cytochemical localization of calcium in soybean root cap cells in microgravity.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):967-72.
(PI: C.S. Brown)

Kondrachuk AV, Hasenstein KH.
The effects of HGMFs on the plant gravisensing system.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):1001-5.
(PI: K.H. Hasenstein)

Rafolt D, Gallasch E.
Polygraphic belt with force-sensing expander for physiological tests on
Biomed Tech (Berl). 2001 Sep;46(9):230-5.

James WH.
The bones and hormones of deep water divers and pilots of high performance
Occup Environ Med. 2001 Oct;58(10):682. Letter.

Mars F, Popov K, Vercher JL.
Supramodal effects of galvanic vestibular stimulation on the subjective
Neuroreport. 2001 Sep 17;12(13):2991-4.

Bisdorff AR, Debatisse D.
Localizing signs in positional vertigo due to lateral canal cupulolithiasis.
Neurology. 2001 Sep 25;57(6):1085-8.

Joshi L, Shuler ML, Wood HA.
Production of a sialylated n-linked glycoprotein in insect cells.
Biotechnol Prog. 2001 Sep-Oct;17(5):822-7.

Kutschera U.
Gravitropism of axial organs in multicellular plants.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):851-60.

Häder DP, Lebert M.
Graviperception and gravitaxis in algae.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):861-70.

Hemmersbach R, Bromeis B, Block I, Bräucker R, Krause M, Freiberger N, Stieber C, Wilczek M.
Paramecium–a model system for studying cellular graviperception.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):893-8.

Laurinavicius R, Svegzdiene D, Gaina V.
Force sensitivity of plant gravisensing.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):899-906.

Kondrachuk AV.
Theoretical considerations of plant gravisensing.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):907-14.

Philosoph-Hadas S, Friedman H, Meir S, Berkovitz-SimanTov R, Rosenberger I, Halevy AH, Kaufman PB, Balk P, Woltering EJ.
Gravitropism in cut flower stalks of snapdragon.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):921-32.

Hoson T, Saiki M, Kamisaka S, Yamashita M.
Automorphogenesis and gravitropism of plant seedlings grown under microgravity conditions.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):933-40.

Nakamura T, Negishi Y, Funada R, Yamada M.
Sedimentable amyloplasts in starch sheath cells of woody stems of Japanese cherry.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):957-60.

Belyavskaya NA.
Lithium-induced changes in gravicurvature, statocyte ultrastructure and calcium balance of pea roots.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):961-6.

Baranenko VV.
Pea chloroplasts under clino-rotation: lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase activity.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):973-6.

Nedukha OM, Vasyltsov IV.
The effects of extended clinorotation on potato minituber formation and structure.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):977-81.

Richter PR, Lebert M, Tahedl H, Häder DP.
Physiological characterization of gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis and Astasia longa studied on sounding rocket flights.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):983-8.

Khorkavtsiv OY, Kardash OR.
Gravity-dependent reactions of the moss Pohlia nutans protonemata.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):989-93.

Shimazu T, Yuda T, Miyamoto K, Yamashita M, Ueda J.
Growth and development in higher plants under simulated microgravity conditions on a 3-dimensional clinostat.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):995-1000.

Mikhaylenko NF, Sytnik SK, Zolotareva EK.
Effects of slow clinorotation on lipid contents and proton permeability of thylakoid membranes of pea chloroplasts.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):1007-10.

Soga K, Wakabayashi K, Hoson T, Kamisaka S.
Gravitational force regulates elongation growth of Arabidopsis hypocotyls by modifying xyloglucan metabolism.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):1011-6.

Miyamoto K, Yuda T, Shimazu T, Ueda J.
Leaf senescence under various gravity conditions: relevance to the dynamics of plant hormones.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):1017-22.

Kern VD, Bhattacharya S, Bowman RN, Donovan FM, Elland C, Fahlen TF, Girten B, Kirven-Brooks M, Lagel K, Meeker GB, Santos O.
Life sciences flight hardware development for the International Space Station.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):1023-30.

Braun M.
Gravisensing in single-celled systems: characean rhizoids and protonemata.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):1031-9.

[No authors listed]
Space Life Sciences: Gravity Perception and Transduction in Plants, Fungi and
Unicellular Organisms. Proceedings of the F1.1 Symposium of COSPAR Scientific
Commission F which was held during the Thirty-second COSPAR Scientific Assembly,
Warsaw, Poland, July, 2000.
Adv Space Res. 2001;27(5):849-1042.

SpaceRef staff editor.