Status Report

Spaceline/NASA Space Life Science Current Awareness – 18 January 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
January 18, 2002
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Wieling W, Halliwill JR, Karemaker JM.
Orthostatic intolerance after space flight.
J Physiol. 2002 Jan 1;538(Pt 1):1.

Levine BD, Pawelczyk JA, Ertl AC, Cox JF, Zuckerman JH, Diedrich A, Biaggioni
I, Ray CA, Smith ML, Iwase S, Saito M, Sugiyama Y, Mano T, Zhang R, Iwasaki K,
Lane LD, Buckey JC Jr, Cooke WH, Baisch FJ, Eckberg DL, Blomqvist CG.
Human muscle sympathetic neural and haemodynamic responses to tilt following
J Physiol. 2002 Jan 1;538(Pt 1):331-40.
(PIs: B.D. Levine, I. Biaggioni, C.A. Ray, M.L. Smith, D.L. Eckberg and C.G. Blomqvist)

Ertl AC, Diedrich A, Biaggioni I, Levine BD, Robertson RM, Cox JF, Zuckerman
JH, Pawelczyk JA, Ray CA, Buckey JC Jr, Lane LD, Shiavi R, Gaffney FA, Costa F,
Holt C, Blomqvist CG, Eckberg DL, Baisch FJ, Robertson D.
Human muscle sympathetic nerve activity and plasma noradrenaline kinetics in
J Physiol. 2002 Jan 1;538(Pt 1):321-9.
(PIs: I. Biaggioni, B.D. Levine, C.A. Ray, C.G. Blomqvist, D.L. Eckberg and D. Robertson)

Cox JF, Tahvanainen KU, Kuusela TA, Levine BD, Cooke WH, Mano T, Iwase S,
Saito M, Sugiyama Y, Ertl AC, Biaggioni I, Diedrich A, Robertson RM, Zuckerman
JH, Lane LD, Ray CA, White RJ, Pawelczyk JA, Buckey JC Jr, Baisch FJ, Blomqvist
CG, Robertson D, Eckberg DL.
Influence of microgravity on astronauts’ sympathetic and vagal responses to
Valsalva’s manoeuvre.
J Physiol. 2002 Jan 1;538(Pt 1):309-20.
(PIs: B.D. Levine, I. Biaggioni, C.A. Ray, C.G. Blomqvist, D. Robertson and D.L. Eckberg)

Monahan KD, Ray CA.
Limb neurovascular control during altered otolithic input in humans.
J Physiol. 2002 Jan 1;538(Pt 1):303-8.
(PI: C.A. Ray)

Borak TB.
Quality factors for alpha particles emitted in tissue.
Health Phys. 2002 Jan;82(1):102-4.
(PIs: T.B. Borak and A. Chatterjee: NSCORT in Radiation Health)

Rydberg B.
Radiation-induced DNA damage and chromatin structure.
Acta Oncol. 2001;40(6):682-5. Review.
(PIs: B. Rydberg and A. Chatterjee: NSCORT in Radiation Health)

Gomes MD, Lecker SH, Jagoe RT, Navon A, Goldberg AL.
Atrogin-1, a muscle-specific F-box protein highly expressed during muscle
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Dec 4;98(25):14440-5.
(PI: A.L. Goldberg)

Sommerfeldt DW, Rubin CT.
Biology of bone and how it orchestrates the form and function of the skeleton.
Eur Spine J. 2001 Oct;10 Suppl 2:S86-95.
(PI: C.T. Rubin)

Armoundas AA, Feldman AB, Sherman DA, Cohen RJ.
Applicability of the single equivalent point dipole model to represent a
spatially distributed bio-electrical source.
Med Biol Eng Comput. 2001 Sep;39(5):562-70.
(PI: R.J. Cohen)

Firstenberg MS, Smedira NG, Greenberg NL, Prior DL, McCarthy PM, Garcia MJ,
Thomas JD.
Relationship between early diastolic intraventricular pressure gradients, an
index of elastic recoil, and improvements in systolic and diastolic function.
Circulation. 2001 Sep 18;104(12 Suppl 1):I330-5.
(PI: J.D. Thomas)

Dickson J, Drury H, Van Essen DC.
‘The surface management system’ (SuMS) database: a surface-based database to aid
cortical surface reconstruction, visualization and analysis.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2001 Aug 29;356(1412):1277-92.
(PI: D.C. Van Essen)

Buckey JC Jr, Musiek FE, Kline-Schoder R, Clark JC, Hart S, Havelka J.
Hearing loss in space.
Aviat Space Environ Med. 2001 Dec;72(12):1121-4.
(PI: J.C. Buckey, Jr.)

Roy RR, Ishihara A, Moran MM, Wade CE, Edgerton VR.
No effect of hypergravity on adult rat ventral horn neuron size or SDH activity.
Aviat Space Environ Med. 2001 Dec;72(12):1107-12.
(PIs: C.E. Wade and V.R. Edgerton)

Prisk GK, Verhaeghe S, Padeken D, Hamacher H, Paiva M.
Three-dimensional ballistocardiography and respiratory motion in sustained
Aviat Space Environ Med. 2001 Dec;72(12):1067-74.
(PI: G.K. Prisk)

Jacobs-Kaufman S, Nakatsu K.
Space Life Sciences Planning Workshop.
Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2001 Sep;79(9):iii. Editorial.

Ledsome JR.
Summary of final report: Space Life Sciences Planning Workshop (SLSPW). June
5-7, 2000 Mont Tremblant, Québec.
Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2001 Sep;79(9):741-3.

Radin S, Ducheyne P, Ayyaswamy PS, Gao H.
Surface transformation of bioactive glass in bioreactors simulating microgravity
conditions. Part I: experimental study.
Biotechnol Bioeng. 2001 Nov 5;75(3):369-78.

Gao H, Ayyaswamy PS, Ducheyne P, Radin S.
Surface transformation of bioactive glass in bioreactors simulating microgravity
conditions. Part II: numerical simulations.
Biotechnol Bioeng. 2001 Nov 5;75(3):379-85.

Harnett BM, Satava R, Angood P, Merriam NR, Doarn CR, Merrell RC.
The benefits of integrating Internet technology with standard communications for
telemedicine in extreme environments.
Aviat Space Environ Med. 2001 Dec;72(12):1132-7.

Harnett BM, Doarn CR, Russell KM, Kapoor V, Merriam NR, Merrell RC.
Wireless telemetry and Internet technologies for medical management: a Martian
Aviat Space Environ Med. 2001 Dec;72(12):1125-31.

Saary MJ, Gray GW.
A review of the relationship between patent foramen ovale and type II
decompression sickness.
Aviat Space Environ Med. 2001 Dec;72(12):1113-20.

Fulco CS, Rock PB, Muza SR, Wolfel EE, Moore LG, Cymerman A.
Circulatory responses to orthostasis during alpha1-adrenergic receptor blockade
at high altitude.
Aviat Space Environ Med. 2001 Dec;72(12):1075-80.

Medendorp WP, Van Gisbergen JA, Gielen CC.
Human gaze stabilization during active head translations.
J Neurophysiol. 2002 Jan;87(1):295-304.

Sylvestre PA, Galiana HL, Cullen KE.
Conjugate and vergence oscillations during saccades and gaze shifts:
implications for integrated control of binocular movement.
J Neurophysiol. 2002 Jan;87(1):257-72.

Deliagina TG, Pavlova EL.
Modifications of vestibular responses of individual reticulospinal neurons in
lamprey caused by unilateral labyrinthectomy.
J Neurophysiol. 2002 Jan;87(1):1-14.

Rohregger M, Dieringer N.
Principles of linear and angular vestibuloocular reflex organization in the
J Neurophysiol. 2002 Jan;87(1):385-98.

Kamskova YG.
Changes in the antioxidant state and intensity of lipid peroxidation in the
blood and liver during 30-day hypokinesia.
Bull Exp Biol Med. 2001 Oct;132(4):943-5.

Yamauchi M, Sugimoto T, Yamaguchi T, Nakaoka D, Kanzawa M, Yano S, Ozuru R,
Sugishita T, Chihara K.
Plasma leptin concentrations are associated with bone mineral density and the
presence of vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2001 Sep;55(3):341-7.

Blanchet C, Giguere Y, Prud’homme D, Dumont M, Rousseau F, Dodin S.
Association of physical activity and bone: influence of vitamin D receptor
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002 Jan;34(1):24-31.

Vincent KR, Braith RW.
Resistance exercise and bone turnover in elderly men and women.
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002 Jan;34(1):17-23.

Forwood MR, Li L, Kelly WL, Bennett MB.
Growth hormone is permissive for skeletal adaptation to mechanical loading.
J Bone Miner Res. 2001 Dec;16(12):2284-90.

Stenerlow B, Hoglund E.
Rejoining of double-stranded DNA-fragments studied in different size-intervals.
Int J Radiat Biol. 2002 Jan;78(1):1-7.

Fomina J, Darroudi F, Natarajan AT.
Accurate detection of true incomplete exchanges in human lymphocytes exposed to
neutron radiation using chromosome painting in combination with a telomeric PNA
Int J Radiat Biol. 2001 Dec;77(12):1175-83.

Shub Y, Lewy H, Ashkenazi IE.
Circadian pattern of simulated flight performance of pilots is derived from
ultradian components.
Chronobiol Int. 2001 Nov;18(6):987-1003.

SpaceRef staff editor.