Space Station Module Cooling Failure Forces ISS into “survival mode” power-down
NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 6 Aug 2003, NASA HQ
“By late last night, all systems affected by yesterday’s transition into “survival mode” power-down were fully recovered, and final cleanup steps are completed. ISS is operating nominally on RS (Russian segment) primary thermal loop KOB-1, as investigation of the anomaly continues. [The full recovery includes payloads such as EXPRESS Rack 1 (ER1), ER4, MSG (Microgravity Science Glovebox), MAMS (Microgravity Accelerations Measurement System), PCG-STES (Protein Crystal Growth-Single Locker Thermal Enclosure System) and the Ku-band receiver.]”
NASA Space Station On-Orbit Status 5 Aug 2003, NASA HQ
“Early this morning (3:14am EDT), during troubleshooting of the Service Module’s KOB thermal loops by MCC-Moscow, both KOB-1 & KOB-2 cooling loops went down. The loss of cooling triggered an automatic load shed routine which powers off systems. By 6:00am, cooling had been restored and all critical equipment repowered. ISS is operating nominally on KOB-1. [Communication with the crew, attitude contro, and pointing were never lost during the event. KOB-1 was recovered almost immediately after it went down. Status of KOB-2 is under investigation. Suspected: KOB pump panel.]”