Status Report

Space Station Crew Prepares for Medical Tests, Talks to NASA Aquanauts

By SpaceRef Editor
June 25, 2003
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Expedition 7 Commander Yuri Malenchenko and NASA ISS Science Officer Ed Lu prepared for upcoming U.S. and Russian medical tests Wednesday by setting up equipment. The tests are slated for Thursday. They also swapped out parts on the Station’s resistive exercise machine.

They took time out of their day to talk to the NEEMO 5 aquanauts who are spending two weeks in the underwater laboratory Aquarius off of the Florida Keys. NEEMO stands for NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations. The crew consists of three NASA Astronauts — Clayton Anderson, Garrett Reisman and Peggy Whitson — and NASA scientist Emma Hwang. Whitson, who was Expedition 5 NASA ISS science officer, is the first former Station resident to serve on Aquarius.

SpaceRef staff editor.