Status Report

Space Shuttle Status Report 31 July 2000

By SpaceRef Editor
July 31, 2000
Filed under


MONDAY, JULY 31, 2000 (2:30 p.m. EDT)

NOTE: This is an orbiter processing report and does not reflect the chronological order of upcoming Space Shuttle flights. Visit on the KSC Home Page for the latest schedule of future Shuttle missions.

MISSION: STS-106 — 4th ISS Flight (2A.2b) – SPACEHAB

  • VEHICLE: Atlantis/OV-104
  • LOCATION: Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) bay 3
  • TARGET KSC LAUNCH DATE/TIME: Sept. 8, 2000 at 8:31 a.m. EDT
  • TARGET KSC LANDING DATE/TIME: Sept. 19, 2000 at 3:12 a.m.
  • LAUNCH WINDOW: 10 minutes
  • MISSION DURATION: 10 days, 18 hours and 41 minutes
  • CREW: Wilcutt, Altman, Lu, Malenchenko, Morukov, Mastracchio, Burbank
  • ORBITAL ALTITUDE and INCLINATION: 177 nautical miles/51.6 degrees

Shuttle Processing Note: Orbiter Atlantisí payload bay doors are closed and the ìstrong backî
support equipment has been removed in preparation for OPF roll out. Tomorrow, orbiter
pressure testing begins, and weight and center of gravity tests follow on Thursday. Atlantis is
scheduled to move from OPF bay 3 to the Vehicle Assembly Building next Monday morning. The
orbiter will be mated to the external tank and solid rocket boosters in VAB high bay 1 and then
transferred to high bay 2 to complete a final fit check of the recently completed safe haven
modification. Shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to roll out to Launch Pad 39B on Aug. 14.

Orbiter rolls out of OPF bay 3 and mated to external tank – Aug. 7
Payload transferred to Launch Pad 39B – Aug. 11
Safe Haven fit check with full Shuttle stack begins – Aug. 12

Shuttle Atlantis rolls out to Launch Pad 39B – Aug. 14

Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test – Aug. 17-18

MISSION: STS-92 — 5th ISS Flight (3A) — Z-1 Truss, PMA-3

Shuttle Processing Note: Processing of orbiter Discoveryís midbody compartment is nearing
completion. Workers plan to close the payload bay doors later this week. Processing efforts
continue to go very well. Discovery is currently scheduled to move the VAB on Aug. 21.

MISSION: STS-97 — 6th ISS Flight (4A) — PV Module P6

  • VEHICLE: Endeavour/OV-105
  • LOCATION: OPF bay 2
  • TARGET KSC LAUNCH DATE/TIME: Nov. 30, 2000 at time 10:48 p.m. (under review)
  • TARGET KSC LANDING DATE/TIME: Dec. 9, 2000 at time TBD
  • CREW: Jett, Bloomfield, Tanner, Noriega, Garneau
  • ORBITAL ALTITUDE and INCLINATION: 177 nautical miles/51.6 degrees

Shuttle Processing Note: Last Friday, Endeavourís left-hand orbiter maneuvering system pod
arrived in the OPF from the Hypergol Maintenance Facility. Workers installed the pod aboard the
ship on Saturday. Work continues on the orbiterís right-hand external tank door.


SpaceRef staff editor.