Space Shuttle Status Report 20 September 2000
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2000 (5:30 a.m. EDT)
NOTE: This is an orbiter processing report and does not reflect the chronological order of upcoming Space Shuttle flights. Visit on the KSC Home Page for the latest schedule of future Shuttle missions.
- VEHICLE: Atlantis/OV-104
- LOCATION: Shuttle Landing Facility
- OFFICIAL KSC LAUNCH DATE/TIME: Sept. 8, 2000 at 8:46 a.m. EDT
- OFFICIAL KSC LANDING DATE/TIME: Sept. 20, 2000 at 3:56 a.m.
- MISSION DURATION: 11 days, 19 hours and 11 minutes
- CREW: Wilcutt, Altman, Lu, Malenchenko, Morukov, Mastracchio, Burbank
Shuttle Processing Note: Space Shuttle Atlantis today completed the 4th Shuttle mission to the International Space Station with an on time landing at KSC’s Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) at 3:56 a.m. on orbit 185. At the conclusion of mission STS-106, Atlantis and crew had traveled about 4.9 million miles.
The main landing gear touched down on SLF runway 15 at 3:56:48 a.m. With the aid of its drag chute, Atlantis came to a complete stop at 3:58:01 a.m. Following routine safing and offloading efforts, workers will tow Atlantis to Orbiter Processing Facility bay 3 as early as 7:30 a.m. today.
The flight crew will remain overnight at KSC and depart for their homes in Houston, Texas, Thursday afternoon. STS-106 marked the 15th nighttime landing in Shuttle history and the 23rd consecutive landing at KSC.