Status Report

Space Shuttle Processing Status 3 Dec 2001

By SpaceRef Editor
December 3, 2001
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MISSION: STS-108 — 12th ISS Flight (UF1) – Raffaello MPLM

Vehicle Endeavour/OV-105

Target KSC Launch Date/Time Dec. 4, 2001 at 5:45 p.m. EST

Target KSC Landing Date/Time Dec. 15, 2001 at 1:30 p.m.

Crew Gorie, Kelly, Godwin, Tani; (ISS-4 up) Onufrienko, Bursch, Walz; (ISS-3
down) Culbertson, Dezhurov, Tyurin

Orbital Insertion Altitude and Inclination 122 nautical miles/51.6 degrees

Shuttle Processing Note (previous notes)

Scrub turnaround procedures continue satisfactorily at Complex 39 B,
preparing for the launch of Shuttle Endeavour on the STS-108 mission at 5:45
pm. EST Tuesday, Dec. 4. Over the weekend most of the launch team had some
time off before activities resumed on Sunday with the loading of the
cryogenic fuel cells aboard the Orbiter.

Operations today include powering up communications systems to launch mode
and performing a series of safety walk downs at the pad. Booster retrieval
ships Freedom Star and Liberty Star embarked for the recovery area at 1 p.m

The Mission Management Team will meet today to assess status and give a
final go for launch. Tonight, late stowage will be completed in the crew
compartment, the ascent switch list will be reset and the rotating service
structure will be moved to launch position at 10 p.m.

The countdown will resume at 2:50 a.m. Tuesday morning at the T-11 hour
mark, and the fuel cells will be activated at 5:50 a.m. A one-hour
built-in-hold will be called at T- 6 hours at 7:50 a.m., at which time the
tanking meeting will be held to give the go-ahead for loading the liquid
oxygen and liquid hydrogen in the External Tank. Tanking will begin at 8:15
a.m. Three other holds are scheduled to meet window constraints – a 2- hour
hold at T-3 hours, 10-minutes at T-20 minutes, and about 40 minutes at the
T-9 minute mark.

Air Force forecasters predict good weather conditions at KSC on Tuesday,
with a 20 percent probability of coastal showers prohibiting launch. The
forecast calls for scattered clouds at 3,000 feet, winds from northeast at
12-16 knots and a temperature of 75 degrees F at launch time. In the booster
recovery area, there will be 6 to 8-foot seas with winds at 20 to 25 knots.


Commander (CDR): Dominic Gorie
Pilot (PLT): Mark Kelly
Mission Specialist 1: Linda Godwin
Mission Specialist 2: Daniel Tani
Expedition Four: Yuri Onufrienko
Expedition Four: Daniel Bursch
Expedition Four: Carl Walz


Tuesday, Dec. 4

8:30 a.m. ——–Wake up
9 a.m. ————-Breakfast
12 p.m. ———–Lunch
*12:40 p.m. —–Crew Photo
1:15 p.m. ——–Weather briefing
*1:35 p.m. ——-Suit-up photo
*1:55 p.m. —— Walkout/depart for pad
*2:25 p.m. —— Arrive at pad
*3:40 p.m. ——-Close hatch
*5:45 p.m. —— Launch of Endeavour

* Televised events (times may vary slightly)
All times Eastern

SpaceRef staff editor.