Space Product Development Weekly Highlights – January 22, 2003
Center for Commercial Applications of Combustion in Space (CCACS)
– Water Mist Experiment on STS-107:
The CCACS Water Mist Fire Suppression
Experiment was launched last Thursday aboard STS-107. The experiment
will be conducted in the Combustion Module CM-2, which was developed
at Glenn Research Center. The Water Mist research team is under the direction
of Tom McKinnon and Angel Abbud-Madrid at CCACS, and includes industrial
partners Microcool Division of Nortec Industries and Fogco. Water Mist
has potential applications in buildings, ships, aircraft and spacecraft.
This is the first shuttle experiment for CCACS and the first for the
Colorado School of Mines.
Second Commercial Hardware Developers’ Meeting:
The second Commercial
Flight Hardware Developers’ Working Group (CFHWDWG) meeting has
been scheduled for March 5, 2003. The meeting will be hosted at the University
of Houston by the Texas Center for Superconductivity and Advanced Materials
(TcSAM) Commercial Space Center. Agenda items will likely include presentations
by the Center for Biophysical Sciences and Engineering and by Guigne’ Technologies
on techniques, processes, difficulties and solutions from their experiences,
and two presentations by Jim Atherton/bd Systems on a draft generic quality
plan to be available to the CSCs and on possible use of the MSFC Virtual
Research Center for CSC data sharing and communications.