Status Report

Space Law / ESA TV Exchanges / 07-11-2006

By SpaceRef Editor
November 6, 2006
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The next transmission of the ESA TV Service will be:

07-Nov-06 10:00 – 10:15 GMT

Space Law

ESA TV Exchanges

Background information on the transmission:

Replay 1: 7 November 16:00-16:15 GMT

Replay 2: 11 November 11:30-11:45 GMT

Space law is a branch of international law, similar to air and maritime law, but which has the specificity of being influenced by other sources of law, both of public and private character. As a consequence, the law applicable to space activities is not limited to outer space law, on the contrary, there are many other laws and regulations that should be applied as well, particularly in view of the increase in privately organised space activities.

Today’s Exchange provides a broad overview of Space Law, based on an in-depth interview with ESA’s Director of Legal and External Relations, René Oosterlinck, who is also a Professor of Space Law at Gent University in Belgium, where the interview was recorded.

The script is online as a PDF file under

A WMV preview file is online under

This ESA TV Exchanges feed is transmitted by the European Commission’s “Europe by Satellite” (EbS) service. You can find the complete transmission schedule and download scripts and shot lists, also for ESA TV items, from the EbS Web site at

More background information can be found on

Transmission details:EUTELSAT HOT BIRD at 13° East (DVB/MPEG-2)

Horizontal, F=12,476 MHz (MCPC, Europe by Satellite)

SR=27,500 MS/sec, FEC=3/4

For further information, visit our website at For other enquires, contact Claus Habfast, Tel +31 71 565 3838, Fax +31 71 565 6340, e-mail

SpaceRef staff editor.