Soyuz/Cluster rollout to launch pad completed
Following the successful completion of the Launch Readiness Review and of the Transfer Readiness Review on 5 August, the go-ahead for the final launch preparations was given by the Russian State Commission on the evening of the same day.
Subsequently the Soyuz/Fregat launcher, to which the second pair of Cluster spacecraft was already integrated, rolled out to launch pad #6 on 6 August at 7.30 local time (03.30 CET).
The launcher was transported to the pad in horizontal position on a train, specifically designed for this purpose. The structure holding Soyuz and its payload were tilted 90° once it reached the edge of the launch pad.
With the launcher erect, it was attached to the four holding arms. After this, the gantry and the service tower were closed around the launch vehicle.
The final electrical checks and battery charging activities on the Cluster spacecraft have already started.
Tomorrow, Monday 7 August, a dress rehearsal will take place with participation of the Fregat transfer module and ESOC teams.
Everything is on track for a launch on 9 August 11:13:35 UTC.