Status Report

Sources Sought Notice: NASA shared Services Center (NSSC)

By SpaceRef Editor
January 27, 2004
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General Information

  • Document Type: Sources Sought Notice
  • Solicitation Number: NSSC-A76-SSOUGHT2
  • Posted Date: Jan 23, 2004
  • Original Response Date: Jan 30, 2004
  • Original Archive Date: Jan 23, 2005
  • Current Archive Date:
  • Classification Code: R — Professional, administrative, and management support services

Contracting Office Address

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Headquarters Acquisition Branch, Code 210.H, Greenbelt, MD 20771


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is continuing to conduct market research to determine the availability of any commercial sources under the procedures prescribed in FAR Subpart 7.3 and OMB Circular A-76. This notice is provided to (1) inform potential offerors of NASA’s determination regarding the feasibility of making the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) procurement a small business set-aside, (2) inform offerors of NASA’s intentions regarding use of part 12 procurement procedures, and (3) provide a tentative procurement schedule.

Based on the information received in response to NASA’s Sources Sought synopsis issued December 12, 2003 for the NSSC, we have determined that this procurement is not suitable for any type of set aside for small businesses. Therefore, NASA intends to conduct this procurement using full and open competition. Any potential offerors who believe they have this capability should submit their expressions of interest in writing to the Contracting Officer. Those potential offerors that responded to the previous sources sought synopsis issued December 12, 2003 do not need to resubmit their expression of interest.

In order to facilitate teaming arrangements and subcontracting opportunities, NASA intends to publish in the near future the names of the companies who have expressed interest in the NSSC procurement. Those potential offerors who wish to be excluded from this list should contact the Contracting Officer immediately. Further, NASA does not intend to use part 12 procurement procedures for this acquisition. Part 12 procedures are not suitable for this procurement action due primarily to (1) the length of the anticipated transition period (~2 years) and the anticipated level of government involvement during this period, (2) insufficient history of task workload data, (3) the uncertainties of creating a new organization, and (4) because many tasks to be performed do not meet the definition of commercial services as defined in FAR Part 2. Based on the rationale provided above, potential offerors are encouraged to comment on the feasibility of using part 12 procurement procedures for this action.

Only electronic submittals will be accepted. Any information submitted in response to this notice shall be e-mailed to: no later than 10:00 A.M. EST, January 30, 2004. The following tentative procurement schedule information is provided: (1) release of draft acquisition plan for review/comment in Feb/March 2004; (2) release of draft solicitation for review/comment in May/June 2004; (3) final solicitation release in July/August 2004, and (4) selection in March/April 2005. This synopsis is for information and planning purposes and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government nor will the Government pay for information solicited.

Please note THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. A SOLICITATION DOES NOT EXIST AT THIS TIME. Prospective offerors are responsible to monitor this web site for further information concerning this procurement. Additional information about the NSSC may be found at the NSSC website at The following information from the previously-posted sources sought synopsis is provided for convenience: “The NSSC concept is to consolidate selected NASA business and technical services currently performed at ten remote NASA Centers to one location, in order to eliminate duplication, improve quality and efficiency, and lower cost. The final location of the NSSC site is currently under study. Site selection will be announced in a subsequent public release.

NASA intends to conduct this acquisition using the Standard Competition Procedures as provided in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-76 (Revised), dated May 29, 2003. Further, the intent is to make one award to a single service provider who would be responsible for providing all of the technical and business services under study; NASA does not intend to make separate awards for each business and technical service under study.

In general, the selected business and technical services under study are as follows: (1) Human Resources Services; (2) Financial Management Services; (3) Procurement Services, and (4) Information Technology Services. The study may be expanded to include additional services/functions as necessary.

The type of work to be performed under each service area is summarized as follows. (1) Human Resources Services: Personnel Program Support, Employee Development/Training Programs Support, Employee Benefits and Services, Human Resource Information Systems and Reports, and Personnel Action Processing and Record Keeping; (2) Financial Management Services: Accounts Payable (Payroll, Travel, Vendors), Payments Certification, Payroll, Time and Attendance, Labor Processing/Distribution, Accounts Receivable (Billing and Collection), Reimbursable Collections and Closeouts, Financial Reporting (General Ledger, Treasury 224, NF 1018s), and Internal Reviews for the NSSC/Finance Organization; (3) Procurement Services: Transactional Services, to include award and administration of NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreements, Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contracts, managing a Procurement Workforce Training Program, and providing procurement electronic services; (4) Information Technology Services: provide NSSC IT support (e.g., web applications, local intranet, call center).”

Original Point of Contact

James L Becker, Procurement Analyst/Contracting Officer, Phone (202) 358-0462, Fax (202) 358-4065, Email – James L Becker, Procurement Analyst/Contracting Officer, Phone (202) 358-0462, Fax (202) 358-4065, Email

Email your questions to James L Becker at

SpaceRef staff editor.