Status Report

SOHO Daily Meeting Minutes for Thursday, 14 February 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
February 14, 2002
Filed under , ,

* For the remainder of the week, call Stein or Emily in case you
need to get hold of a SOC.

* HESSI is ready to begin joint observations. HESSI target: NOAA 9825

* NRT plans for the immediate future:

Today most teams will command on D66 in the morning, CDS and MDI will
command on D27 in the afternoon.

Friday we have D66 and D16 during the day. The Intercal goes at 15:00,
and LASCO loads a new plan afterwards, before the handover. During the
handover, MDI may ftp over a background load. CDS starts an FF_CAL study
after the handover, together with MDI’s background load uplinking (or
MDI NRT). CDS will also load science plans for the weekend. Station 27
comes up starting around 22:00.

Note that as soon as we get final plans for the remainder of the
CELIAS/CTOF recovery, we will try to schedule that NRT pause at a
convenient time during daytime.

* Commanding schedule for next week:
Monday – D66 until 16:30, D27 after 19 UT.
Tuesday – D66 until 18:30 then D27.
Wedesday – D66 until 18:30 then D27.
Thursday – D/L only in the morning then D27 after 17:30 UT.
Friday – D/L only until 19 UT then D16.
Saturday – Command on D27 all day.
Sunday – Command on D27 all day.

Spacecraft Status: SVM Nominal, SUMER OFF
MDI, CTOF not yet in nominal operations

Spacecraft Anomalies: None

Accomplished Activities: VIRGO, VC2 (1600-0200)

Planned Activities: VIRGO, NOM HGA Table, VC2 (1450-0800)

Upcoming Operations: None

Ground Anomalies:
044/1421 – TM Dropout; D66 rcvr problem (3 minutes, unrecoverable)
044/1546 – NRT Interrupted; H/W Maintenance inadvertently pulled cable
045/0837 – Intermittent lock on RCVR2 during D46 pass

02/13 DOY 044 – 02/14 DOY 045

EIT daily On-Line Solar Status and observations:

LASCO daily On-Line Solar Status and observations:

Web Page for Planning:

CDS: Nominal. Polarity reversal study in the south, active region
study near central meridian. Tomorrow: ICAL, studies TBD.

UVCS: Nominal. Coronal hole observations and synoptic for today
and tomorrow.

LASCO: Nominal. C2/C3 synoptics.

EIT: Nominal. 195 Angstrom CME watch and synoptics.

MDI: Restarted structure and closed the loop yesterday, taking some
magnetograms and continuum images. Loads (w/pause in structure
program) and calibrations today. Only a few pixels in the flat
field needs to be patched. Hope to be back in normal science
mode today.

TRACE: Nominal. Continue observing AR#9825 and the other
regions of the complex; using both the 1600A
flarewatch/respond and white light flarewatch/respond
sequences. Goal is to co-observe flares with HESSI.

SpaceRef staff editor.