Status Report

SOHO Daily Meeting Minutes for Monday, 28 January 2002

By SpaceRef Editor
January 28, 2002
Filed under , ,

* HESSI is scheduled to launch Feb 5 at 20:26 UT.

* CELIAS MTOF recovery is planned to begin tomorrow morning.
NRT will not be available to others during the recovery activities.

Spacecraft Status: Nominal

Spacecraft Anomalies: None

Accomplished Activities:
DOY 025: VIRGO, RSL, New tracking star, mag = 6.45, Uploaded
CELIAS DPU patches per OCD 1612, 1617, 1619
DOY 026: VIRGO, SWAN, Flight S/W Maintenance

Planned Activities: VIRGO, Possible CELIAS recovery activities as
specified by EOF

Upcoming Operations: None

Ground Anomalies:
025/2315 Wayward command delayed NRT activities 14 minutes.
026/1550 D27 operator lost interface with the antenna
controller which delayed AOS 9 minutes. Data
recovered from D66. DR #G100736.
027/1749 Lost 1 minute 20 seconds of recoverable TLM due to
a SCP failure at D27. DR #G100743.
027/2245 D27 went to brake as the operator lost control
interface with the antenna. Lost 15 minutes 5
seconds of unrecoverable TLM, and 18 minutes 30
seconds of command capability. DR #G100746.
028/0015 Lost 1 minute 27 seconds of unrecoverable TLM,
cause unknown. DR #G100747.

01/25 DOY 025 – 01/28 DOY 028

EIT daily On-Line Solar Status and observations:

LASCO daily On-Line Solar Status and observations:

Web Page for Planning:

CDS: Nominal. JOP151 as well as flare watch on AR 9787 today.
Tomorrow – JOP151 and other CDS studies.

UVCS: Nominal. JOP151 on west limb in AR 9793 region and mini synoptic
for today. Tomorrow, after JOP151, UVCS will begin a 24-hour synoptic
at 18 UT.

LASCO: Nominal. C2/C3 synoptics and JOP151 support.

EIT: Nominal. 195 Angstrom CME watch and synoptics, JOP151 support.

MDI: Nominal. Full disk magnetograms and dopplergrams for continuous
contact. Supporting JOP151.

TRACE: Nominal. Observing AR9787 in 171A.

SpaceRef staff editor.