Status Report

SOFIA call for participation in first-light science observations

By SpaceRef Editor
June 2, 2008
Filed under , ,

The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) project is pleased to invite you to apply to join one of the two science teams (FORCAST or GREAT) for the preparations and analysis of the first-light (“Short Science”) observations on the new observatory, expected to take place in the spring/summer of 2009. Selected community members will join the instrument science teams, under the direction of the instrument PIs, for the duration of the Short Science period. A limited amount of funding will be available for the selected community members. Detailed instructions for applying to this opportunity can be found at .

Responses in the form of white papers are due August 15, 2008.

Further information about the SOFIA project can be found at the SOFIA web site ( ) or by contacting the SOFIA project at

SpaceRef staff editor.