Status Report

Short Course and Field School at the Sudbury Impact Sturcture

By SpaceRef Editor
April 23, 2012
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The Canadian Lunar Research Network, hosted at the Centre for Planetary Science an Exploration at Western University, Canada, together with the NASA Lunar Science Institute and the LPI-JSC Center for Lunar Science and Exploration, are proud to announce the “Short Course and Field School at the Sudbury Impact Structure”. This is a is a week-long classroom and field training program based in Sudbury, Ontario. The goal of the program will be to introduce students to impact cratering processes and observe, in the field, the attributes of an immense basin-size impact structure. Sudbury is known for spectacular shatter cones, tremendously thick melt-bearing impact breccias (the Onaping Formation), and a differentiated impact melt sheet (the Sudbury Igneous Complex). Skills developed during the program should better prepare students for their own thesis studies in impact cratered terrains, whether they be on Earth, the Moon, Mars.

Details on how to apply can be found here:

Partial funding will be available to successful U.S. applicants.

SpaceRef staff editor.