SEEDS Master Course
SEEDS is an International Post Graduate Master Course in Space Exploration and Development Systems established by Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Universität Bremen (Germany) and Supaero Toulouse (France). The 2007-08 edition will be the third one, with the full involvement of all three partners. In the three associated towns SEEDS is supported and/or endorsed by a large variety of institutions, including the European and National Space Agencies (ESA, ASI, DLR, CNES), the main European Space Industries (ASTRIUM, Thales Alenia Space, OHB-System), local Authorities (Province of Torino, Piedmont Region, City of Bremen) and other associated Universities (Hochschule Bremen, ENSICA Toulouse).
SEEDS is jointly operated by the three Institutions which established it. Each one of them organizes the enrolment of the students according to its regulations and provides the lectures and exercises of the first 6 months and the introduction to the Project Work activity. Some weeks, can also be spent at ESTEC or in other EU Space Centres. The three Project Work phases are sequentially performed in Torino, Bremen and Toulouse under the supervision of senior experts from the local Space Industries and may include extensive stage periods. The reported sequence may be modified each year according to the educational and organizational needs.
The course working language will be English. The overall duration of the SEEDS Master Course is 15 months. It will start in Fall 2007 and will be concluded at the begin of 2009.
The first six months will be spent in the three Partner Universities and will mainly consist in class lectures and exercises providing the general foundations of the various disciplines related to Space Exploration. Visits to national or European facilities as well as conferences and lectures of distinguished personalities are foreseen throughout this phase.
In the following nine months the students prepare develop the SEEDS Project Work under the guide of experienced senior tutors. Thanks to its extension this Project Work is one of the main characteristic features of SEEDS. It is divided into three phases, each one dedicated to a special aspect of the space exploration. The three phases are hosted in a temporal sequence by universities, industries and centres of the three associated European towns. During the whole Project Work all student from the SEEDS Partner Universities are grouped together and work in cross-national teams. The Project Work itself is an advanced and ambitious activity, intended to lead to scientific reports to be diffused worldwide in the space community.