SEDS International Conference in India: 250+ students registered

The deadline to submit an abstract for the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space International Conference (SEDSIC) is coming up on 10 August. SEDSIC is hosted by the Vellore Institute of Technology chapter of SEDS in India from 22-23 September.
Contact: Pranav Aggarwal,
The topics for Nakshatra — the paper/poster presentations, — are:
1. Materials used in space re-entry vehicle
2. Clearance of space debris
3. Use of space technology/energy for human welfare
4. Protection of communication systems from solar flares
5. Extra-galactic astronomy 6. Planetary sciences
There is also a competition to design a series of conceptual lunar rovers. The prize is a half-tuition scholarship to International Space University (worth approximately $10,000); see
As of this writing, 258 students have registered for SEDSIC. If you are in the area — an Indian student or a student visiting India for the IAC — come and meet your colleagues. Many are attending both, so we are coordinating a ride from Vellore to Hyderabad.