Science Data Processing Workshop 2002 (SNOTE)
SOL NASA-SNOTE-020204-001
The Science Data Systems Branch (Code 586) and the Advanced Data Management and Analysis Branch (Code 587) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center are sponsoring “Science Data Processing Workshop 2002–From Data to Knowledge: Delivering Data to the End User” on February 26-28, 2002 at Martin’s Crosswinds, Greenbelt, Maryland. Science Data Processing Workshop 2002 explores ways to deliver science data from Space and Earth science missions to users in a more timely, cost-effective manner.
Workshop participants will identify and discuss ways to reduce the development time and costs associated with getting data from the missions to the users. The workshop encourages networking with among scientists and data processing system developers to share software tools, ideas, and methodologies that form a common thread across multiple projects, missions, and instruments.
Activities planned for this workshop: * explore new methodologies * exchange new ideas for innovative approaches * examine lessons learned * identify areas for collaboration. Tutorials on specific technical topics will be held February 26, 2002. On February 27 and 28, 2002, the workshop will utilize invited speakers, technical panels, submitted papers, poster sessions, and a vendor exposition to cover a range of topics. One track of the workshop is devoted to HDF and HDF-EOS topics.
See workshop detail at If you are interested in participating in thJohnndor exposition, please see The vendor exposition is coordinated by Federal Business Council, Inc.
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