(Science, Aeronautics and Technology) House Rpt.107-740 VA-HUD Appropriations Bill 2003
(including transfer of funds)
Fiscal year 2003 recommendation $9,144,500,000 Fiscal year 2002 appropriation 7,889,600,000 Fiscal year 2003 budget request 8,844,500,000 Comparison with fiscal year 2002 appropriation +1,287,400,000 Comparison with fiscal year 2003 request +300,000,000
This appropriation provides for the research and development
activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. These
activities include: space science, life and microgravity science, earth
sciences, aero-space technology, advanced concepts and technology, space
operations, and academic programs. Funds are also included for the
construction, maintenance, and operation of programmatic facilities.
Starting in fiscal year 2002, this account also includes funding for
activities previously carried in the Mission Support appropriations
The Committee recommends $9,144,500,000 for Science, Aeronautics and
Technology in fiscal year 2003. The amount recommended is an increase of
$300,000,000 to the budget request, and $1,287,400,000 more than the
fiscal year 2002 appropriation.