SAFER Panel Meeting 21 September 2000
USA SAFER Panel Meeting Minutes September 21, 2000 The SAFER Panel met at JSC on September 21, 2000 in Building 1 room 360 at 10:00 a.m.
Meeting participants:
Panel Chair XA/ Anh Huynh
Panel Secretary HSMS/ Theresa Elms
Panel Members DX/ Kenny Vassigh
ER/ Kevin Lewis
EP/ Eric Darcy
EV/ Don Yoder, Jeff Yoder
NC/ Ron Cook, Chris Estrada
NT/Rafiq Hashmani
NX/Tom Taylor, David Beverly, Pam Branch, Mike Defransis
USA/Armon Knight
The following items were discussed:
1. Flight Readiness
- STS92 (3A) Manifest Support
SAFER S/N 1006 experienced a failure during performance thermal testing on 09/20/00 and cannot meet the late ship date on 09/24/00. SAFER S/N 1003 or S/N 1005 (returning from STS-106) will be substituted for S/N 1006 on STS-92(3A).
ER/K. Lewis presented a preliminary status on the SAFER units for
- STS97 (4A) Manifest Support
No change.
2. FIAR/DR Closure Status
- JSC-ER0028, Connectors P2 and P3 Inadvertently Switched in Avionics Box (Open 9 days)
SAFER S/N 1005 will be tested at KSC per SAFER checklist 9 to verify that its cables are properly connected.
SAFER S/N 1003 has already been tested and the cables were verified to be connected correctly.
NC/Ron Cook is incorporating comments from XA and ER into the closure rationale for JSC-ER0028.
- DR TS0030076, SAFER S/N 1006 Failed Rate Check at 0 deg. F (Open 1 day)
SAFER S/N 1006 experienced a failure during performance thermal testing (cold temperature ~ 40 deg. F). ER/Kevin Lewis presented a troubleshooting plan (see file below).
3. Configuration Control
- Hardware/Software Configurations
No change.
- CR Implementation
- CR H-0670 R1, AAH LED Function Modification
No change.
- CR H-0683, On-Orbit Stowage Bag
All of the flight on-orbit stowage bags have been completed and are in USA bond. Two class III bags have been completed. The third Class III bag is scheduled to be complete on 10/06/00.
Design concepts are still in work by ER.
- CR H-0760 SAFER NBL & 1-G Hi-Fi Mockup Upgrades
No change.
No change.
- CR H-0865, SAFER Thermal Enhancements
No change.
Proposed CRs
- CR H-0749 R1, SAFER On-Orbit Trainer
On hold until funds become available in the next fiscal year.
- CR H-0806,-307 Rechargeable Battery CR
On hold pending funding from XA in the next fiscal year.
- CR H-0843, Latch Redesign
On hold until hi-fi mockup latches can be replaced with flight-like latches.
CR draft in work.
- IMS Labeling
CR draft in work.
- On-Orbit Stowage Bag Modifications (Docking Loads)
CB, DX, USA, and NC met to form a consensus on the final details for the on-orbit stowage bag. CB/Claude Nicollier recommended adding one strap on the back of the bag.
- Issues
Battery gauge EEE parts:
Tom Taylor/NX (EEE Parts) presented the following summary about the SAFER 305 battery gauge board concern:
- SAFER 305 battery gauge board was not radiation tested Radiation events could cause faults which would rapidly drain the battery.
- Add current limiting resistor or other means to prevent premature battery drain from shorted components
100 Flight Certification Granted Upon
- Submit Change Request (CR) to update battery gauge board design
- Submit design change analysis to SR&QA EEE parts for review and concurrence
- Implement Design Change
Interim Solution
- Current 2 mission certification to be extended for 3 additional flights to allow time for implementation of design change.
- Highly recommend full radiation testing of SAFER Battery Gauge prior to seeking ISS certification.
- Established baseline radiation susceptibility Current level of risk unknown.
- EP is responsible for reviewing these battery gauge EEE parts issues with personnel from EEE Parts in NX, EDCPAP in EV, radiation testing in EV, safety in NC, and management in EP/ER. Lessons learned and recommendations are expected from the review by 10/6/00.
5. Special Topics
DX/K. Vassigh present the following STS-92 (3A)
- EHB Presentation
- CCB Presentation
- PRCB presentation
- Action Items
- ER will provide an estimate for the cost incurred for additional troubleshooting on SAFER 1006.
- EP management will meet with NX, ER, EV, and SR&QA to decide what needs to be done to certify the 305 battery for 100 missions.
- USA will provide XA with a matrix of P/Ns & S/Ns for the on-orbit stowage bags.
Submitted by: Approved by:
(Original signed by) (Original signed by)
Theresa M. Elms Anh H. Huynh
SAFER Panel Secretary USA SAFER Panel Chairman
Item | Assignee | Description | Status |
06-01 | C. Price
J. Smith | Evaluate the MPLM environment for launch/landing of the USA SAFER. | 06/25/99: Assigned. 07/29/99: In review by ER. ER as needed will request additional information. 08/05/99: ER needs information on directional G-loads during launch, landing, and emergency landing. 08/06/99: Additional MPLM information was provided by OM/E. Smistad. 08/11/99: ER will provide a cost and schedule estimate for the additional stress analysis. 08/26/99: ER estimated a cost of 32K and a schedule for 2 months. The task will be initiated by XA on 10/01/99 with FY00 funding. 10/28/99: Partial funding has been sent to ER on 10/21/99 & 10/29/99. ER to complete the evaluation with an ECD of 01/03/00. 12/02/99: ER will provide a new ECD due to time needed to turn the effort on through a task order. 01/06/00: ER provided a new ECD of 03/15/00. 03/30/00: ER has requested a new ECD from LM. New ECD of TBD. 04/06/00: The stress analysis is complete. The memo will be out soon, ECD 04/13/00. 04/20/00: ECD TBD. 05/04/00: The stress analysis is in the LM signature loop. 05/11/00: LM/James Shu presented the results of the MPLM stress analysis to the Panel. James Shu will provide ER with a memo summarizing the results. ER will forward the memo to XA. XA will discuss the angular acceleration topic with the MPLM group and ER will discuss with ES. 05/12/00: ES confirmed the need to include the angular acceleration in the analysis. 05/16/00: Awaiting MPLM contact person to be provided by XA I&O lead for 5A.1. 05/18/00: ER provided the analysis performed by LM. 05/25/00: ER is waiting for a response from the MPLM stress analyst. New ECD: TBD. 06/15/00: ER will meet with the MPLM contact person on 06/15/00. 06/22/00: The MPLM stress analysis is presently in review with the MPLM stress analyst. 07/13/00: The MPLM stress analyst (Satya Pilla) has provided additional MPLM launch/landing environment information. James Shu is reviewing the environment information .07/20/00: The MPLM stress analyst has indicated that the SAFER can be launched in the MPLM. XA is waiting on the official confirmation from the MPLM group. 08/24/00: XA discussed the action with MPLM representative. New ECD 09/07/00. |
07-04 | K. Lewis | Provide a video recording of 1) NSI/Pyro Valve firing, 2) dry valve seating, 3) wet valve seating, 4) dry valve self-test, and 5) wet valve self-test. | 06/25/99: Assigned as action 02-03 at the STS-96 USA SAFER IFA Investigation meeting. 07/09/99: Transfer action to USA SAFER Panel. 08/05/99: Recording completed except for NSI/Pyro Valve firing. ECD of TBD, pending available opportunity. |
00-02-08 | K. Lewis
A. Huynh | ER will initiate a stress analysis to determine how far the HCM deployment actuator and manual valve can be extended. | 02/17/00: Assigned. ECD TBD. 02/24/00: EV/James Shu stated that the SAFER actuator supporting bracket needs to be changed if the actuator is extended. 05/04/00: The stress analysis is on hold while the small and x-large EMU managers perform SAFER reach evaluations with suited subjects to determine how far to extend the actuators. ECD: 05/19/00. 05/25/00: XA will initiate a CR for 2" extension to the actuators. |
00-04-11 | P. McCartney K. Vassigh | Provide a video of the on-orbit trainer evaluation (SSC) as shown at the VRL and more technical information on the data rate specifications. | 04/20/00: Assigned. ECD TBD. 06/15/00: DX will record on-orbit trainer evaluation (SSC) on video. ECD TBD. |
00-05-06 | K. Lewis | ER will determine the cost to build one more flight SAFER. | 05/18/00: Assigned. ECD 06/16/00. 06/22/00: New ECD: TBD. 06/29/00: XA requests that ER look into getting a contractor to build another flight SAFER. 07/13/00: New ECD: 9/30/00. |
00-05-07 | K. Lewis
T. Elms | ER will investigate the problem with the weight relief lifting sling and the SAFER latches. | 05/18/00: Assigned. ECD 06/01/00. 05/25/00: HSMS will verify that a comprehensive procedure is used to operate the weight relief lifting sling in order to prevent any damages to the SAFER latches. 06/15/00: New ECD 07/06/00. 07/06/00: HSMS determined that a comprehensive procedure to operate the weight relief lifting sling did not exist and that one needed to be written and released as a SSA Class III operational procedure. ECD 08/18/00. 07/13/00: HSMS has written a procedure detailing how to attach the SAFER to the EMU when using a weight relief lifting sling. The procedure is presently in review with Steve Anderson of the SSI group. 07/20/00: HSMS/T. Elms received comments to incorporate from ILC/Steve Anderson. Next the procedure needs to be reviewed by ER. 07/27/00: HSMS is searching for a picture showing the EMU/SAFER in the weight relief-lifting sling. 08/10/00: HSMS sent the procedure to ER/Kevin Lewis for review on 08/07/00. 08/17/00: HSMS will rewrite the procedure "real-time" as Gail Steel performs the steps on the engineering unit. New ECD: 8/31/00. 08/31/00: HSMS rewrote the procedure. Gail Steel reviewed and provided his inputs. The procedure is ready for release. 09/07/00: New ECD: 09/14/00. 09/21/00: New ECD: 09/28/00. |
00-07-05 | M. Hembree | Investigate if the ERCM will be used in an EVA before the DTO, creating a glove cut hazard on the tether. | 07/20/00: Assigned. ECD 08/10/00. 09/07/00: New ECD: TBD. 09/14/00: New ECD: 09/15/00. 09/21/00: DX stated that there is no requirement placed on the crew not to handle the safety tether during EVAs. Closed. |
00-07-06 | All | Submit any post-flight DTO questions for the STS-92 crew to DX/Mike Hembree. | 07/20/00: Assigned. ECD 08/10/00. 09/07/00: New ECD: TBD. 09/21/00: DX presented a list of post-flight DTO questions to the panel. Closed. |
00-07-08 | M. Hembree | Provide a DTO backup plan in case of RMS failure. | 07/20/00: Assigned. ECD 08/10/00. 09/07/00: New ECD: TBD. 09/14/00: New ECD: 09/15/00. 09/21/00: DX stated that the crew believes that if the RMS fails, the time line would be impacted so much that the DTO will probably not take place. Closed. |
00-08-02 | K. Lewis | Provide a formal memo to DX/Mary Fitts before STS-106 that gives the status for each SAFER unit. | 08/03/00: Assigned. ECD TBD. 08/17/00: New ECD: 09/01/00. 08/31/00: ER sent a draft STS-106 memo to DX/Mary Fitts 08/31/00 which presented the status for each of the three SAFER units. 09/21/00: ER sent the formal memo to DX/Mary Fitts on 08/31/00. Closed. |
00-08-03 | E. Darcy F. Davies | Provide a work instruction for inspection of incoming electrical parts. | 08/03/00: Assigned. ECD 09/11/00. 08/17/00: New ECD: 09/01/00. 09/07/00: New ECD: TBD. 09/14/00: Work instruction is in review with ER management. 09/21/00: New ECD: 10/26/00. |
00-08-04 | E. Darcy | Contact Dave Homan or Jeff Hoblit/VRL to determine whether the battery simulation in the VRL is realistic. | 08/03/00: Assigned. ECD 09/01/00. 08/17/00: New ECD: 08/25/00. 08/24/00: EP/Eric Darcy gave Jeff Hoblit instructions on how the VRL should be simulating the battery on 08/23/00. Jeff Hoblit will check his VRL algorithms against Erics instructions and report the results of the comparison. New ECD: 08/28/00. 08/31/00: Jeff Hoblit investigated how the VRL simulates the battery and is presently incorporating EPs changes. New ECD: TBD. 09/07/00: Changes to the VRL battery simulation software are on hold while the configuration procedure is being determined. 09/14/00: New ECD: 09/21/00. 09/21/00: Incorporation of EPs changes into the VRL simulation software was completed on 09/21/00. Closed. |
00-08-06 | K. Lewis | Provide a ROM on the following new latches:1 set of Class I tower latches 3 sets of Class III tower latches | 08/17/00: Assigned. ECD TBD. 09/07/00: New ECD: 09/14/00. |
00-08-07 | C. Mooty | Provide a ROM on the following new latches:1 set of Class I tower 3 sets of Class III tower latches | 08/17/00: Assigned. ECD TBD. 08/24/00: New ECD: 09/07/00. 08/31/00: New ECD: 09/28/00. |
00-08-08 | K. Lewis A. Knight | ER/Kevin Lewis and USA/Armon Knight need to develop a fitcheck plan for STS-97 (4A). | 08/24/00: Assigned. ECD 09/07/00. 09/07/00: A fitcheck plan for STS-97 (4A) will be determined after the fitchecks for STS-92 have been completed. New ECD: TBD. |
00-08-09 | T. Elms K. Lewis | Prepare a configuration matrix for STS-106, STS-92 and STS-97 and document what the differences are between the configurations. | 08/24/00: Assigned. ECD 08/31/00. 08/31/00: The configuration matrix was sent for ERs review on 08/28/00. New ECD: 09/08/00. 09/07/00: New ECD: 09/14/00. 09/14/00: New ECD: 09/21/00. 09/21/00: The configuration matrix needs to be updated to reflect the replacement of SAFER S/N 1006 with another unit for STS-92. New ECD: 09/28/00. |
00-08-10 | A. Knight | Determine if the SAFER units for 3A and 4A have been fit checked with a flight PLSS in the past. | 08/31/00: Assigned. ECD 09/07/00. 09/07/00: New ECD: TBD. |
00-09-02 | K. Lewis | Investigate if the existing paperwork for SAFER S/Ns 1003 and 1005 (used on STS-106) can verify proper connection of Avionics Box connectors. | 09/14/00: Assigned. ECD 09/21/00. 09/21/00: ER reported that there is paperwork documenting the proper connection of Avionics Box connectors for S/N 1003. Paperwork does not exist for S/N 1005. SAFER checklist 9 will be performed on S/N 1003 at KSC to verify proper connections. Closed. |
00-09-03 | K. Lewis | Provide an estimate for the cost incurred for additional troubleshooting of SAFER 1006. | 09/21/00: Assigned. 10/05/00. |
00-09-04 | E. Darcy | EP management will meet with NX, ER, EV, and SR&QA to decide what needs to be done to certify the 305 battery for 100 missions. | 09/21/00: Assigned. ECD 10/06/00. |
00-09-05 | A. Knight | Provide XA with a matrix of P/Ns & S/Ns for the on-orbit stowage bags. | 09/21/00: Assigned. ECD 10/05/00. |