Status Report

RSC Energia Report on ISS Taxi Crew Training

By SpaceRef Editor
February 6, 2002
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The crew of the third visiting (“taxi”) mission to the International
Space Station continue their training for the mission.
S.P.Korolev RSC Energia hosted training sessions for Russian cosmonauts
included in the main and back-up crews, and ESA astronaut, citizen of
Italy R.Vittori.
The training sessions with Yu.Gidzenko, R.Vittori (main crew), G.Padalka,
O.Kononenko (back-up crew) took place when RSC Energia and Italian developers
were conducting joint acceptance tests on the equipment designed for
space experiments CHIRO and VEST, included in the mission plan. This
equipment will be delivered on-board the Russian segment on the logistics
vehicle of the Progress M1 type.

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SpaceRef staff editor.