Status Report

ROSES-16 Amendment 47: Data requirements and due date change for MMS GI

By SpaceRef Editor
December 6, 2016
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ROSES-16 Amendment 47: This amendment changes the data requirements and resets the due dates for program element B.8 Magnetospheric Multiscale Guest Investigators (MMS GI).

The Heliophysics Guest Investigators (H-GI) program is a component of the Heliophysics Research Program. This particular element of the Guest Investigator program is offered only for investigations that primarily use data from the recently launched Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission.

This particular ROSES element supports investigations whose primary focus is the analysis of MMS data. Proposals should use primarily MMS data to address (1) the goals of the MMS mission (found at ) or (2) any of the relevant goals of the Heliophysics Decadal survey (Solar and Space Physics: A Science for a Technological Society ):

1. Determine the origins of the Sun’s activity and predict the variations in the space environment;
2. Determine the dynamics and coupling of Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere and their response to solar and terrestrial inputs;
3. Determine the interaction of the Sun with the solar system and the interstellar medium;
4. Discover and characterize fundamental processes that occur both within the heliosphere and throughout the universe.

This program is intended to maximize the scientific return from this recently launched mission by providing support for research of a breadth and complexity beyond presently funded investigations. As for any H-GI proposal, investigations may employ theory, models, and data from other sources, as needed, to interpret and analyze NASA’s MMS data, but only as a secondary emphasis.

This amendment changes Section 1.3 on Data Availability. Whereas previously one could propose to use MMS data that had not yet been collected if the data product was in place, the new language requires that all data must be archived 30 days prior to the Step-2 deadline. Because of this change this call for proposals has been reopened, and the Step-1 and Step-2 due dates have been reset to January 9, 2017, and March 6, 2017, respectively. Proposers who want or need to change their proposed project as a result of this amendment may withdraw their previously submitted Step-1 proposal and submit a new one by January 9, 2017. Proposals unaffected by the change to Section 1.3 need not be resubmitted, no action is required.

The NASA point of contact for this program element is Errol J. Summerlin who may be reached at 

SpaceRef staff editor.