Status Report

ROSES-08 Amendment 7: Final text and due dates for Advanced Component Technology

By SpaceRef Editor
May 1, 2008
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This amendment replaces the draft text in Appendix E.21 entitled “Advanced Component Technology” with the final text. The Advanced Component Technology (ACT) program seeks proposals for technology development activities leading to new component- and subsystem-level airborne and space-based measurement techniques to be developed in support of the Science Mission Directorate’s Earth Science Division. The objectives of the ACT program are to research, develop, and demonstrate component- and subsystem-level technology development that: (i) Reduce the risk, cost, size, volume, mass, and development time of Earth observing instruments and platforms, and (ii) Enable new Earth observation measurements.

Notices of Intent to propose (NOIs) are due May 30, 2008, and proposals are due July 30, 2008.

On or about May 2, 2008, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2008” (NNH08ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at (select “Solicitations” then “Open Solicitations” then “NNH08ZDA001N”).

Further information about this program element is available from Mr. Parminder Ghuman, Earth Science Technology Office, Code 407, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771; Telephone (301) 286-8001; E-mail

SpaceRef staff editor.