ROSES-07 Amendment 20: Cancel FUSE Legacy Science Program

This amendment cancels the program element in Appendix D.11 entitled “FUSE Legacy Science Program.”
The last operational reaction wheel on FUSE (Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer) stopped on July 12. Attempts to restart any of the wheels have been unsuccessful. Although the instrument remains in excellent condition, the FUSE satellite is currently incapable of the fine pointing control required to continue its science mission, and there is no real prospect for recovering this capability. The NASA Science Mission Directorate has concluded that the scientific mission of FUSE is no longer viable and has decided to terminate the mission. The Astrophysics Division intends to place special emphasis on FUSE archival research in the 2008 Astrophysics Data Program that will be part of the 2008 ROSES proposal solicitation.
On or about September 7, 2007, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2007” (NNH07ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at (select “Solicitations” then “Open Solicitations” then “NNH07ZDA001N”).
Further information about this program element is available from Dr. Hashima Hasan, Astrophysics Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA, Washington, DC 20546-0001; Telephone: (202) 358-0692; E-mail: