Research Opportunities for Ground-based Research in the Biomedical Research and Countermeasure Program
General Information
- Document Type: Presolicitation Notice
- Solicitation Number: NRA-03-OBPR-04
- Posted Date: Mar 31, 2003
- Original Response Date: Jul 15, 2003
- Original Archive Date: Mar 31, 2004
- Current Archive Date:
- Classification Code: A — Research & Development
Contracting Office Address
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Headquarters Acquisition Branch, Code 210.H, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Federal Business Opportunities synopsis for NRA-03-OBPR-04, Research Opportunities for Ground-Based Research for the Biomedical Research and Countermeasures (BR&C) Program: This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Research Announcement (NRA) solicits ground-based proposals for research that will lead to the development of countermeasures against the negative effects of space flight on humans.
This NRA solicits research proposals for independent investigator research projects, or proposals for the opportunity to become a member of an integrated countermeasure development team of the National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI). Do not submit the same research proposal to both opportunities.
This solicitation is open to all categories of organizations, agencies, and institutions. NASA will not fund non-U.S. institutions. The NSBRI accepts and reviews proposals from foreign applicants, but potential foreign applicants should note that, normally, the country of origin, not the NSBRI, will fund applications from non-U.S. organizations.
Potential foreign applicants should coordinate their application with both the NSBRI and the appropriate funding agency in their own country. All participants in this NRA are strongly encouraged to promote general scientific literacy and public understanding of life sciences, the space environment, and the OBPR programs through formal and informal education opportunities. Where appropriate, supported investigators will be required to produce, in collaboration with NASA, a plan for communicating their work to the public.
This NRA and other relevant information will be available electronically via the Internet at: starting April 15, 2003.
The solicitation will be open for the period through July 15, 2003; proposals may be submitted at any time throughout the period. Paper copies of the Announcement are available starting April 15, 2003 to those who do not have access to the Internet by calling (202) 479-9030 x277 and leaving a voice mail message. Please leave your full name, address with zip code, telephone number with area code, and the NRA number (NRA-03-OBPR-04).
The technical point of contact for independent investigator proposals is Dr. David Tomko, Enterprise Scientist, Code UB, Bioastronautics Research Division, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546. The technical point of contact for the NSBRI and its existing research teams is Dr. Jeffrey Sutton, Director, NSBRI, One Baylor Plaza, NA-425, Houston, TX 77030.
This notice constitutes a NASA Research Announcement as contemplated in FAR 6.102 (d) (2). The proposal due date is July 15, 2003.
Original Point of Contact
David L Tomko Ph.D, Enterprise Scientist, Bioastronautics Research Div, Phone (202) 358-2211, Fax (202) 358-4168, Email – Jeffrey Sutton M.D. Ph.D., Director, Phone (713) 798-7412, Fax (713) 798-7413, Email
Email your questions to David L Tomko Ph.D at