Status Report

Reminder: 2nd Mars Expedition Planning Workshop

By SpaceRef Editor
March 22, 2005
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2nd Mars Expedition Planning Workshop
Vancouver, BC
University of British Columbia
August 6 – 7, 2005

This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting extended abstracts for the presentation sessions of the 2nd Mars Expedition Planning Workshop is soon approach.  Extended abstracts are due March 31st by midnight of your time zone.  Registration fees rise on April 1st, so please register soon as well.  Fees are currently $55 for students, and $100 for others.

Registration may be done online at Guidelines for submissions are posted there as well, including templates for the extended abstracts in MSWord or RTF for the PC or Mac.

Abstracts should be 1 to 4 pages long, and directly address the topics of the following sessions:

  1. Field Science for Meridiani and Surrounds
  2. Expedition Mobility, Exploration Technology and Tactics
  3. Human Factors and Mobile Communications
  4. Mars Analogs on the Earth and the Moon
  5. Exploration Ethics and Planetary Protection

The purpose of the 2nd Mars Expedition Planning Workshop is to address the aspects of science campaigning on the Martian surface for human expeditions. More specifically, the workshop considers a scenario of a human base in the vicinity of the Meridiani Planum region of Mars and gives the workshop participants the task of designing a science campaign for 500 days in the year 2019.

The objective of the Workshop is to describe how those 500 days will be spent in science-directed exploration, geological mapping, and site-specific investigations.

In April a call for submissions for the Discussion Sessions of the workshop will be released.  These Discussion Sessions will build off the ideas and plans proposed in the Presentation Sessions, to iteratively plan a Design Reference Surface Expedition Campaign for an expedition to the vicinity of Meridiani Planum (and points within 500 to 1000 kms from it).


Rocky Persaud
Association of Mars Explorers

SpaceRef staff editor.