Project-Based Inquiry Learning: Science Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century — Sept. 28 – Nov. 1, 2011
Develop your skills in designing and using project-based inquiry learning, or PBIL, to enhance conceptual understanding, critical thinking, scientific reasoning and problem solving in standards-based classrooms. Experience and analyze two NASA-oriented PBIL projects firsthand; learn PBIL curriculum design strategies and methods; and design a PBIL unit for use in your classroom. Use e-PDN’s suite of online tools to collaborate, connect and create with other course participants.
Using Robotics to Enhance STEM Learning — Aug. 31 – Oct. 11, 2011
Learn how to build and program LEGO Mindstorm robots and use them to promote student engagement and conceptual understanding of mathematics, science and engineering. Explore robotic manipulators and end effectors like NASA uses on the International Space Station, and integrate multiple sensors into your robot to allow for systematic control. Join your colleagues in the Grand Challenge to design, build and program a robot to explore an environment and return with a sample for investigation.
Technology Integration – Podcasts in the Classroom — Oct. 5 – Nov. 8, 2011
For instructors interested in teaching online, the Technology Integration Certificate series introduces you to best practices of online learning. Examine how podcasts can be integrated into the STEM classroom. In this course the benefits as well as obstacles to podcasts will be discussed and you will be introduced to the tools and techniques of creating podcasts.
Technology Integration — 3-D Visualization — Oct. 12 – Nov. 15, 2011
For instructors interested in teaching online, the Technology Integration Certificate series introduces you to best practices of online learning and helps get you started on designing your own online course. Learn how to create models of complex objects and bring visual creations to your students to teach them how mathematics, science and communication skills are vital in bringing ideas from imagination to reality.
Technology Integration — Turn Your Classroom Digital — Nov. 2 – Dec. 13, 2011
For instructors interested in teaching online, the Technology Integration Certificate series introduces you to best practices of online learning. Learn how to create your own online course from start to finish. Participants will get an overview of online teaching models, learning management systems, instructional design models, Web 2.0 collaborative tools and online assessments.
To learn more about these free courses and to apply online, visit
For more information on the e-PDN and the resources it offers to K-12 teachers, visit
Questions about these courses should be directed to Fran Sponsler at