Status Report

Program Announcement – NASA Means Business Student Competition

By SpaceRef Editor
October 19, 2006
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WHO: Teams of students (undergraduate & graduate)

WHAT: NASA Means Business Student Competition

WHEN: Letter of Intent due 3 November 2006


The 2007 NASA Means Business Student Competition invites undergraduate and graduate students to employ their skills to help NASA promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education among middle and high school students.

Specifically, student teams will be tasked with preparing a NASA STEM Education Promotion Plan, as well as flagship promotion projects in the form of digital video, print media, and Internet media productions.

Finalist teams will receive cash awards and behind-the-scenes tours of both the Kennedy Space Center in Florida and the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Members of the Grand Prize Recipient team will also be flown to Washington, DC to present their work to NASA Headquarters officials.

The Competition Guidelines are posted at: Only proposals from teams of students enrolled in accredited American institutions of higher education will be considered. Team members do not need to be citizens of the United States.

I invite you to forward this message to whomever else you think might be interested. Should you require further information about our program, please feel free to contact me personally (512/471-7225,

Thank you!

Burke O. Fort
Manager, Special Projects
Texas Space Grant Consortium
3925 W. Braker Lane, Ste. 200
Austin, TX 78759
V: 512/471-7225
F: 512/471-3585

SpaceRef staff editor.