Status Report

Presidential Announcement and Vice Presidential Visit to JPL

By SpaceRef Editor
January 13, 2004
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TO: JPL Employees and Contractor Personnel

FROM: Eugene Tattini

SUBJECT: Presidential Announcement and Vice Presidential Visit to JPL

JPL’s successes during these last few days have resulted in the eyes of the world being upon us. Tomorrow we will be the recipients of two very important official visits – one real and one virtual. Wednesday the Vice President of the United States will be visiting JPL, immediately following a NASA TV televised Presidential announcement on a new vision for space.

On Wednesday, Jan. 14 at 12 noon, there will be a special edition of NASA Update at NASA Headquarters where a much anticipated announcement regarding the nation’s space policy will be made. You’re invited to von Karman Auditorium to witness this event, which will also be available on JPL TV and webcast via JPL’s Daily Planet.

Later on Wednesday afternoon we will be honored by a visit from Vice President Dick Cheney. He will address the Mars Exploration Rover Project team and the JPL community on the Mall on the steps of Building 180 at 2:45 p.m. Please make plans to arrive on the mall early, as everyone entering the mall area will be screened for security purposes. Screening will begin at 1:00 p.m. I hope you will join us in person for this historic occasion.

Be sure to also visit The Daily Planet, for additional parking and security information for Wednesday.

SpaceRef staff editor.